Part Twenty Two

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“Ohmygod Im so dead” Zoey announced as she flopped on to the couch and closed her eyes

“Hey! Hey wake up” Caleb said, nudging her “It’s still early!”

She groaned and forced her eyes open. It had been one of the longest days on the tour mainly because different bands were going on at the same time. It left Zoey rushing between stages and the heat didn’t help. She sighed, “Can I please skip today?” she said turning to look at Caleb. It was their first night off on the tour and Caleb and the guys had been planning it for days.

He looked disappointed but he knew how tired Zoey was so he didn’t complain. Kissing her on the cheek he murmured “Don’t wait up”

She woke up to a dark, cool bus. Shaking off the sleep she carefully rose and groped around the darkness looking for the light switch. She grabbed her phone. It was 3 in the morning. No longer feeling sleepy she put on a hoodie and walked outside. Nights in Arizona were as cold as ever. The lot was practically empty, everyone was either still out enjoying their day off or sleeping because they had sets the next day. Zoey continued walking. On tour, complete silence was hard to come by and when she found it, Zoey savored every second of it. Taking deep breaths and looking off in to the darkness a noise behind her made her jump.

Turning around quickly she laughed when she realized what it was. A stray raccoon was wondering around looking for food. Staring at her with his large, unblinking eyes she reached in to the pocket of her hoodie and took out a cracker

“Here you go” she said and tossed it to him

“You always were a sucker for strays” a voice boomed from the darkness

Her heart thumped madly and she jumped almost losing her balance

“Relax, it’s just me” the voice was quieter now


“Garrett!” Zoey exclaimed, getting over her initial shock “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

He chuckled. “I’m sorry. What are you doing here?” his voice was deep and gravelly and it sent shivers up and down Zoeys spine.

“I should be asking you the same question” she said curiously.

He shrugged. Shivering, he stuck his hands deeper in his pocket to protect them from the cold “Couldn’t sleep”

He watched her looking up at the moon and realized she truly was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Not just because she looked good, but how she was, who she was. A knot formed in his stomach and he turned away.

“I just woke up. Couldn’t seem to fall back asleep” she answered, sitting down on a table nearby. He joined her. For a while neither of them spoke. It was a nice kind of silence. Not awkward, they didn’t feel like they needed to say anything.

“I miss you” he finally whispered, rubbing against her shoulder

Up until then, Zoey had been hoping and praying he wouldn’t say anything about the two of them. Blinking back tears and feeling a familiar sinking feeling in her chest she sighed.

“I’m with Caleb” she murmured. She would have walked away but she couldn’t bear to leave him there.

“Do you love him?” he asked coldly

Zoey bit her lip in frustration. She knew he already knew the answer to that, why was he making it worse?

You’re the one who wanted time” she said, raising her voice slightly. He didn’t say anything. She covered her face with her hands and sat next to him again. Leaning on his shoulder she listened to his breathing. “I just wish” her voice broke “things were easier”

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