Everything About You

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"Harry and Louis you will be in room 213. Zayn and Liam in 214. Niall in 215. Meg and Abigail 212. Sasha and Mackenzie in 211. And Lila in 210. I already gave everyone else their keys. These are yours." Paul, part of the boys management, handed out key cards to our hotel rooms.

"Alright my own room!" Niall took his card and skipped down the hall to the according room, "Sweet!" He disappeared inside.

Everyone else grabbed their card from Paul and left to unpack and whatnot. I was the last to take one and mumbled a thank you to Paul. The door to my room was wide open and Meg was inside already throwing her things into every corner of the room. I closed the door behind me as I walked in.

"You do know we're only staying overnight right?" I set my duffel bag on the bed and sat down next to it.

"And? I don't know what we're going to do today so I came prepared." She pulled a stack of clothes from her suitcase and set them on the low dresser.

I was about to ask her if any of the other girls had plans when I heard a knock on our door. The bed squeaked as I got up and opened the door.

"Hi, Love." Harry stood in the doorway wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt. His mop of curls were hidden by a navy beanie.

"Hey, Haz." He smiled. "What?"

"I like it when you call me that."

"What'd I tell you?"

"How is saying I like something pushing it?"

"Whatever, so what's up?"

"Ready to go?" I had completely forgotten about my day with Harry.

"Oh yeah, let me grab something first. Wait here."

I walked back to my bed and unzipped my duffel bag. I pulled out a dark green beanie and pulled it on my hair that fell in waves from being in braids all night. I pulled my phone out of the small pouch in front and tucked it in my back pocket.

"Hi Harry!" Meg's chipper voice greeted him.

"Hello, Meg." Harry's raspy voice was closer then I expected.

I whirled around, "Didn't I tell you to wait by the door?"

"You said here so no you didn't." He smirked leaning against the wall near my bed.

"You're pushing it."

"Sorry!" He said sarcastically holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"Let's go." I grabbed his wrist and tugged him out the door.

"Feisty, I like it!" He laughed.



"Harry, you've got to be kidding me."

"What? It'll be fun?" He chuckled.

"How is bungee jumping fun?"

We stood in the middle of a bridge spanning a large canyon. An instructor was hooking equipment to the bridge. Unfazed by the height.

"You scared? It's not that much different then the London Eye. In height terms of course."

"Yes, but that's different. You're not falling off of a bridge at high speeds. You're going in circles. Slowly."

"You were scared there, but you knew it was safe. Same thing here!"

"Haz, this is much, much, much different."

"You'll be fine. Would you like me to hold your hand, Darling?"

"No, because I'm not going."

"I already paid for it."

"I'll just pay you back."

"Abs, please! We can do whatever you want the rest of the day."

"Fine." I agreed much to Harry's delight.

We walked over to when the instructor was waiting. He gave told us what to do and what not to do then suited us up. Harry went first. I watched as he stood on the railing and then jumped. He yelled the whole way down. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him fall. Even though I knew he wasn't going to die because of the harness watching him as he soared through the air I still was kinda freaked out.


"C'mon Abs it not the scary once you jump!" Harry shouted using his mew nickname for me.

"But what about before?" I stood on the edge if the railing of the bridge.

"Jump already!"

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself.

I spread my arms and fell forward. Air rushed up to meet me as I fell head first towards the small winding river below. I nearly reached the crisp clear water when I bounced up towards the sky. I began giggling like a child as I bounced up and down a few more times. This was the best feeling in the world. Finally coming to a stop I was helped out by another man and led to where Harry was waiting.

"So, how was it?"

"Again!" I ran to hug him and felt his chest rumble as he chuckled.

"I guess that means you liked it then."

"I more then liked it. I loved it! It was such a rush! What's next?" I bounced up and down in front of him.

"Calm down." He laughed again planting his hands in my shoulders to keep me still.

I obliged and began rocking back and forth on my heels when he let go of my shoulders. "Abs, do you hit your head in the way down or did your brain fall out of your ears or what?"

"Haha very funny, Haz." I poked him in the stomach giggling again.

"Sorry, I just feel so," I paused. "Alive!"

"Okay then. How about we meet up with the lads for lunch?"

"Okay!" I grabbed his hand and yanked him down the path to his car.


"Hey, Lou!" Harry and I entered the dinner to find Louis sotting alone in the back booth.

"Hey, Haz! Damn, hot chick!" Louis waved to me.

"Her name is Abigail."

"Hello hot Abigail!"

"It's only Abigail."

"Hello only Abigail!" I began giggling behind Harry's back as he glared at Louis.

"Wait! Is she the one who was only my bed doing unspeakable things with you?"

I blushed remembering the incident. "It was only a kiss!" I said.

"A very dirty kiss."

"Like you and El haven't done worse!" Harry countered sliding into the seat across from Louis. I sat next to him.

"Please stop! My ears!" Niall appeared fake wincing and covering his ears.

"Hi Niall. Nice to see you again!"

"You've already met?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yup!" Niall and I shared a secretive smile.

Several minutes later and all five if the boys and I were packed in the too small booth. We ate lunch while chatting nonstop. It was only later that night that I realized something. I was falling for Harry, again.

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