Can't Let Her Go

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I am so shocked to see the person standing in front of me that I nearly forget to speak. The girl standing in pink running shorts and a navy tank top seems to be nothing more then a hallucination until she speaks again.

"Livvy, it's me. Emma." And with the stupid nickname I realize that it really is her, my twin sister.

"Em!" Without thinking I throw my arms around the girl I haven't see in nearly three years.

She hesitates at first and then hugs me back. She smells like the same cinnamon perfume she always wore when we were younger. Although we were born identical there are a few differences that set us apart and the bright red she has dyed her hair adds to the short list.

She pulls away abruptly after a short moment. "So how's my superstar sister? You've landed yourself a great job and a cute boy, nice job sis." I am surprised by her words. We are siblings, but ever since she ran off with her boyfriend at the age of 14 things between us have been strained.

"Emmma, it's great to see you and all, but where the hell have you been for the past three years?"

"All over to be honest. I was living in an apartment with Thomas until we broke up about a year ago. Ever since then I've just been traveling. Doing odd jobs for a few days to make money and then, moving on when I have enough." She shrugs as if this is all no big deal for a seventeen year old to do.

"Mom and Dad have been worried sick ever since you left. Sending a postcard every few months isn't enough to reassure then that you're okay."

"It's not like they can do much more about it in a few months. We turn eighteen in less then a year anyways." If I had a hard time with my mother then I have no idea how Emma dealt with her. I can see why she left when she did. The bickering between my mother and I was nothing compared to what went on between her and Emma.

And maybe that's why my mother was so hard and determined to make my career as successful as possible. She had already lost one daughter, I doubt she could bear to lose another. That and the fact that she was obsessed with giving herself a good image among all the other Hollywood mothers.

"You should at least visit sometime. They are still your parents you know." I am afraid to upset her. If I make her mad then who knows how long it'll be until I see her again.

"Not really. They've taken on whole new lives just so you can live this outrageous secret life. Mom and you dyed you hair, you wear colored contacts and Dad had to shave his head just so people won't recognize you. You even went as far as giving yourselves fake names and everything. You're like fricken Hannah Montana." Emma snorts and leans against the brick wall behind her.

I stare at the yellow paint peeling off the wall behind her head trying to find a response that makes sense to not only her, but myself as well. She is right. Everything that has gone into my career is based upon a lie. Even if it was made without the intention of hurting anyone, they're just meant to be a backup plan.

"You and I both know that mom is the one who is behind all of this. Even though she goes overboard on everything she's the reason why I have the career I do. She would have done the same for you had you stuck around." I say the last part and instantly regret it.

A look of betrayal flashes across Emma's face and then just as quickly as it had come it disappeared. Now, she just look pissed. "I left thinking I could get away from all of this, from you. And yet a year later here you are. You've everywhere Olivia and I hate you for reminding me of the past for it." Emma whips around and stalks back into the locker room.

"Emma, wait! I didn't mean it like that!" I follow her around the corner and into the locker room.

"Sure you didn't. Nobody ever means it do they?" Emma fumbles with the lock on her locker, cursing as she accidentally turns the dial to the right too far.

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