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Your Pov

I woke up to the sun shining through my blinds.. What time was it? I turned to my side, groaning in the process, and saw that it was 4:30 in the afternoon. I picked up my phone and looked to see if I had any text messages but I didn't, I only had skype messages.

"I'm sorry... I just now got up!" I got a instant respond.

"I'm glad!!! I was worried about you." I didn't respond. Why would he be worried about me? All of a sudden "JackSepticEye Wants To Video Chat" popped on my screen so I threw my headphones over my tangled hair and hit answer.

"(Y/n)?" I responded with a mhm. "What's wrong with ye?"

"Nothing... I have a question..?" I said to him.

"W-what?" I could tell by his voice that he was scared what I was gonna say. "How was Pax Prime?" I tried to stop myself from laughing cause I knew he was gonna think I was gonna ask him if he was JackSepticEye which I already knew he was I hair didn't wanna ruin our friendship. Even though it's been two days... It's felt like forever.

"Oh!" His Irish voice perked up instantly. "It was great I met lots of fans... I mean youtubers.. Yea youtubers..." I giggled then covered my mouth with my hands.

"That's good! I'm glad you had a good time. I have another question? You said you were staying at you friends house... What country does your friend live in and what country do you live in?" I tapped my fingers together.

"My friend Mark lives in America while I live in Ireland." I smiled.

"Is that why you have a sexy accent? I-I'm sorry." I started to blush at what I had said.

"Why uh." He coughed. "Thank you uh." I could tell he was blushing as well.

"Yes you're welcome." Everything was silent and awkward until he started to talk.

"So um I heard you play the piano." He laughed. "Aka I read your skype bio. Could you uh, could you play for me?"

"Sure hold on for a second." I bounced of my bed and got out my junky piano that I have had for ten years. " I actually got my piano for my 13th birthday and I'm 20 now so you can see how old it is. We both laughed. I started to tap In a few notes of Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez. "I love everything you do. When you call me really dumb for the stupid things I do, wanna ride my bike with you~ Fully undressed no training wheels there for you~" I sung. I stopped after those lyrics because I was really embarrassed singing. I heard clapping.

"That was amazing (Y/n)! You have a true talent." I blushed at his kind words.

"Singing? Not at all!" I laughed it off.

"I'm serious." He did sound really serious from his tone.

"Well, you have a talent and all doing YouTube." I mumbled.

"I-I don't do YouTube. Heheh what are you talking about?" He responded.

"Sean, I know you are JackSepticEye."

I hope you liked this chapter!! I'm really excited for the next chapter. Ok bai -JackSepticPhan

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