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Your Pov

"Welcome back honey." My mom came and hugged me as I stepped inside my parent's house.

"Hey mom.." I replied. I was dying to talk to Jack, I already missed him.

"How's was your time in Ireland? Why did you even go to Ireland?" I just responded with 'It was great' and 'An Internet friend'.

"Where's (S/n)?" I asked. She is the only one who knows about Jack.

"I'm right here." She popped out from behind mom and smiled.

"Can I talk to you in my old room for a minute." She nodded and we left mom in the living room by herself.

"What's up (Y/n)?" She asked.

"I'm dating JackSepticEye." Her eyes went wide.

"Like the internet famous JackSepticEye!?" I nodded and she squealed. "Oh my god! Oh my god! When is he coming around!!?" I sighed.

"He lives in Ireland and tickets are expensive so I don't know when you'll see him or when I'll see him..." I sighed and sulked on the mattress.

"It's okay.. (Y/n) I bet he wants to see you too.. He loves you." I nodded. Speaking of Jack, I got a text from him. The text read, "Hey gorgeous, I hope you got home safely and skype me when you can" I actually smiled. "He just texted you didn't he?" (S/n) laughed. I laughed as well.

"Yep, he said I should skype him as soon as I can. And (S/n), I think I'm gonna stay here for awhile since dad is in the hospital." I smiled at her and she squealed.

"I can't even right now! I'm so excited!" She hugged me and I hugged her. Man did I miss Jack's hugs.. But I came down here for my dad.. My dad.

"How is daddy?" (Jack bursts through door.. "Daddy is right here" Jack winks. I'm done.. I'm leaving)  (S/n) looked at me and her smile turned into a frown.

"Dad... Died at 1:22 am this morning (Y/n)." My heart broke inside my chest. I didn't even get to see him before he passed and tell him how much I loved him. Dang it (Y/n) dang it! I started to cry and (S/n) started to hug me again. I had to leave the love of my life to see my dying father and I didn't even get to tell him anything. Everything is falling apart. Hopefully I can just stay with my sister and fake a smile.

;-; I'm sorry readers

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