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Your Pov

Finally December. The babies will be coming soon. It was much much much more colder than it had been on November.

Jack And I planned to get married this month on the Eighth, I've picked out a beautiful wedding dress it was a ball gown since I had a big belly and it had beautiful diamonds on it. We had everything organized and planned.

"Honey we are getting married soon! I'm gonna marry the love of my life!" He attempted to picke me up but he couldn't since I was carrying two tiny humans.

"I know honey! It's crazy!" I kissed his forehead and laughed. "You're so adorable."

"I'm counting down the days! Only 3 more! It's crazy to think that we met online, and look at us now, we're getting married." He smiled and looked into my eyes.

"That is pretty amazing." I kissed his nose.

The big day was finally here. My heart was racing out of my chest as I looked in the mirror. My (c) hair was curled and In this cute bun with a tiara and I had my dress. You could kinda see the bump. I was holding my tummy until I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." In stepped (Y/f/n).

"(Y/n)! You look so beautiful!" She came and attempted to give me a hug.

"I know it's crazy. I never would of thought I would be getting married, especially to my favorite youtuber." I smiled at her.

"You look so grown up? What happened to that little girl with braces and acne?" She giggled at me while curling a loose strand of her hair with a finger.

"I don't know what happened." I laughed.

"Lets go get you married!"

We said are I do's and had the sweetest kiss ever. The after party was pretty great too. It was a fantastic wedding. I was legally known as (Y/n) McLoughlin. Little Lilly was actually the flower girl. (Y/f/n) walked me down and was my maid of honor. Everything was great until December 25, 2016 at 1:37 am, my water broke.  Jack rushed me to the hospital, they set me up with all the stuff and set me on the hospital bed. Prepared to have my babies. Our babies.

My beautiful twins, Samuel Layne McLoughlin and Ariana Nicole McLoughlin. Sam born at 2:44 am and Ariana born at 2:49 am. The loves of my life. A baby boy and a baby girl, but my life still isn't over. It's a happily ever after for now.

Thank you all for being with me and supporting me through this whole story. I can't believe it's finished now but don't worry. I'm already writing the next book. Sorry if this chapter isn't the way you wanted it but I think it's amazing. Thanks for reading!

- Izabella 💖

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