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Your Pov

(Btw all the names of Jacks family members are not really the names of his real family members, neither the age)

It's the day before Thanksgiving and I had gotten a Thanksgiving shirt that had a cute little picture printed on it that let people know I was pregnant, even though they would clearly be able to tell. Jack was recording his videos for today and tomorrow since we would be celebrating this holiday (unless it's not a holiday or you don't celebrate it I'm sorry) you could hear him yelling his intro all throughout the house. It was a little annoying after a while but I still loved him with all my heart. he ended up stoping in the middle of his intro which weirded me out so I went to go check. I stood at the edge of he door listening in, i guess he was making a phone call.

"Oh yeah she is very excited but nervous to meet you all! You'll like her! She's the one, I'm gonna marry her, and she is so beautiful even though she is carrying our babies. She's wonderful. I love her." I smiled after I heard all of that, Jack really was the one for me. He was my everything.

"Aww Jack." I peeked into his recording room. He smiled and patted to his lap. I went over and attempted to sit in his lap but it was A little bit hard being pregnant and stuff.

"Well mom she's sitting on my lap so you know what that means. Haha boing am I right?" You could hear his mom say Jack in an exclaimed tone. "Mom I'm kidding I'm kidding." I look at Jack and he looks at my AND mouthed the words "no I'm not". "Alright mom I love you too, bye." He hung up the phone and laughed.

"You're so weird." I said.

"I know I am, but ya still love me."

It was the morning of Thanksgiving, I had already thrown up today at 2 am which wasn't that good of a wake up call. It was 9 am now and our job for thanksgiving was to make the Macaroni and cheese, which I was actually pretty excited for. I was never much of a cook really, my mom never taught me but today is the day that I will be a freaking cooking expert.

"Jack get the noodles out of the box!" I said as I turned on the stove and started boiling a point of water.

"If I get a kiss I will."

"Fine." I said and then kissed him. He poured the noodles into the boiling pot water and then kissed my cheek.  "Jack stahp."

"Now we cook the pasta and watch a movie." I smiled at Jack and kissed his cheek after he said that. We sat down and watched the first Ice Age. I made sure to keep my eyes on the noodles though, at this rate they should be done by 9:30ish. Jack and I just cuddled.

We walked to his parents' house since it wasn't too far from our place. It was really peaceful outside. I loved fall. The colorful leaves, the cooler weather, the wind, everything was just so beautiful. Jack's parent's house was so cute! They had super cute little fall decorations! Jack held the door for me as I walked inside, he followed behind.

"Sean is here!" I heard a little girl voice call from what seemed to be the kitchen. A little girl with brunette hair and brown eyes came up to us, but she gave me a odd glare. "Who is this?"

"My fiancé, (Y/n). (Y/n), my cousin, Lilly. She's 6 years old." He picked up Lilly and hugged her.

"Why is your girlfriend fat?" I didn't know wether to be offended by this comment or not but I decided to keep it non offensive sense she was only 6.

"That's because I'm pregnant." I smiled at her and she frown at me as Jack sat her back down.

"Come on honey let's go meet my family." He grabbed my hand and we walked into the kitchen, little Lilly trailed behind. When we walked in it was pretty normal, there wasn't a lot of people. They all stared at me.

"Oh Sean you're back!" An older lady who looked in her young thirties came up and hugged him. "And this beautiful lady Is yours?"

"All mine." He said while grabbing my hand and stroking my hand with his thumb.

"And oh my, what big belly. What are you having?" The lady asked me.

"Oh we don't know yet, we decided to wait till the birth, they are twins." I smiled awkwardly.

"Oh and btw I'm Sean's Aunt, Jennifer." We shook hands and she smiled at me. She had perfect makeup. The perfect Contour, highlight, eyeshadow, blush, foundation, eyeliner, lip stick, mascara, eyebrows, Every single little detail was perfect. She was beautiful.

"You're really beautiful. You do nice makeup." I smiled at her and this time it wasn't an awkward smile.

"You're so gorgeous! You and Jack are gonna have me some wonderful nieces or nephews!" Then she just walked away to the bathroom with setting spray in her hand. Then an older man and woman walked up to us.

"Sean! It's so nice to see you again!" He hugged the woman and the man. "Your fiancé is so beautiful! Hi we are Jack's parents. This is my husband." I shook hands with his dad and hugged his mom. "And your baby bump is so cute!"

"Thank you. I'm really excited to have them." I smiled. I've smiled a lot today. I greeted everybody else. His family was so sweet!

"So how did ya like them." Jack asked as we laid in bed while he played with my hair.

"They are amazing. I'm glad I chose you Jack."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!


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