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Your Pov

A few days have passed and I had gotten a phone call from my mom.

"Hello? Mom?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hello honey! Um I have some bad news..." Uh oh, when mom says bad news.. It's gonna be really bad news. "Your father.. Your father is in the hospital so your gonna have to fly back to America." I had almost dropped my phone. Move back to Tennessee and leave Jack.

"W-what's wrong with dad?" I gulped.

"Your dad.. Has cancer." Mom snuggled as she said this. I have to go back. I have to.

"I'm sorry.. I will leave as soon as possible, probably tonight." I said and hung up the phone. Oh god, what do I do.

"Hey (Y/n) is everything alright?" Jack asked, leaning against the door frame. Well now I have to tell him.

"Jack... I have to move back to America.. My dad has cancer." I could feel the pain stinging his eyes. He came over to me and just hugged me. I hugged him.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)." He sniffed.

"No I'm sorry Jack." Why am I starting to cry? Ugh I'm going to miss him.

"No don't be sorry.. Don't cry.." He looked down to me since he was taller than me and kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, then my lips. "I'll buy you a ticket for a plane so you can leave tonight. You need to see your dad. He carried me to the bed and left me there so he could buy a ticket. I just sat there and cried. I would lose Jack and my dad.

I guess I had ended up falling asleep from crying cause I woke up and checked that the time was 3:39 pm.

"Good afternoon." Jack said. "I bought your ticket for 4:30 pm so I am pretty glad you woke up now." Oh yeah.. I have to leave.

"O-ok," my voice sounded like a million voice cracks, "I will get packed now." I packed up
All my things, making sure not to leave anything cause I would probably never be back again since a ticket was so expensive. I will miss Jack so much.

• (To the airport) •

"Jack... I will miss you so much." He pulled me into a hug, a passionate hug.

"You're my girlfriend, I will try to skype you every night, I promise." I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed my neck. "I will always be there for you, even if we are so far apart (Y/n) I promise." He let go of me and held both of my hands..

"NOW BOARDING AT 4:30 PM FLIGHT TO AMERICA!" The intercom called out.

"That's me... Jack I love you." He kissed my nose.

"I love you too.. Text me on the way there." As I walked to the plane entrance thingy I watched Jack. He waved and waved.  I started to cry..

"Mrs..," the flight lady looked at my ticket, " (L/n) are you alright." I nodded and dried my eyes.

"I will be fine." Before I got on the plane, I turned around and waved my last goodbye for now.


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