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"Sean?" I was trying wake up Sean because my water had broken. "Sean!" After a few tries he had woken up and was surprised about what he saw. "We need to get to the hospital!" I was in so much pain it had been unbearable. Jack lifted me up bridle style and carried me too the car, he fumbled with the keys trying to turn on the car.

"Sean I swear if we aren't there in three seconds i'm gonna die!" And sure enough after I said that we pulled into the hospital parking lot immediately. He had picked me up bridal style and rushed me right in.

And there I held Sam while they were cleaning up Ariana. Sam had bright blue eyes and long pretty eyelashes, he barely had a hair on his head but you couldn't tel because his bald head was covered with a blue hat. After a while of holding Sam they brought in Ariana, she has (c) eyes and a lot of hair. On her head was a pink bow and she was sleeping. Your perspective on life changes when you have a child, let alone two. Totally changes your life.

• 5 years later•

"Seanie!" I called from the kitchen as I pulled out a huge pan of pizza rolls from the oven.

"Yes love?" As I turned around Sean grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss, gripping on to my shirt. I wrapped my hands around his neck and smiled.

"Can you get the kids together on the couch?" He kissed my neck as I said this to him.

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted me and ran off to the hallway where the kids' rooms are located. I got the plates ready and over on the table by the couch.

"Mommy! Mommy!" yelled Sam as he came down the hallways on Sean's back, clutching onto Sean's leg was little Ari. I couldn't help but smile. My family. We were perfect.

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