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Your Pov

A few days had passed and it was the 23rd.

"Jack my costume should be here today!" I squealed. I don't really know why I was excited but I was. I picked up Kaylah and kissed her head.

"I'm busy Hun!" Jack yelled. He was probably making a video like usual. He had started to make 2-3 videos a day now so I barely get to talk to him. Hopefully he will talk to me when we go to L.A. to see Mark.

"Is Miss Kaylah hungry?" I looked at our puppy and smiled. "She looks like she is." I went over to the cupboard and grabbed her food bag. I poured the food into the bowl, trying to bend down as close to the ground as possible. "There you go." I smiled and walked to the living room. There was really nothing for me to do besides play on my phone or watch TV until I heard the door bell ring.

"Package for (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)?" The mail man asked as I opened the door.

"Yes sir." He gave me the small package and I carried it inside. I just tossed it on the bed and went to the couch. I laid down on the couch and sighed. What's was Jack doing..

Jack's Pov

"Okay so the appointment is the 27th at 6:30 pm? Okay goodbye." I got off the phone with a Jewelry store in L.A. After I quickly skyped Mark.

"Wassup septic eye." Mark said when he joined the call.

"Hey the appointment is on the 27th thank you so much for helping me with this. I really really appreciate it. (Y/n) is my world and I really want her to have a special ring." I looked at pixelated Markiplier and smiled.

"Jack you're my best friend and (Y/n) is very nice so of course I would like to help. Plus I'm your best man and best friend so obviously I should help." Mark laughed.

"And your the guy who is gonna get beat in Mario Kart when I come over. By the way, who all is coming to the party?" I asked.

"Oh, I dunno, a couple of people." He responded. "Wait, you're gonna beat me at Mario Kart?"

"Hell yeah I am!" I yelled into the microphone.

"Bring it on Fatty!"

Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual. The next chapter should be long.

       Good night

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