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Your Pov

How do I use one of these. I was looking at the directions, sitting on the toilet, ready for whatever come my way.

I sat the pregnancy test on the back of the toilet cause it said I have to wait for a few.. Hours. I walked outside the bathroom and (S/n) was already waiting.

"Your preggers aren't you! You are!" I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Calm yourself, I have to wait a few hours for the results. I'm honestly terrified. What if Jack left me because I'm pregnant and he cuts off all communication from me." I was worrying so much I couldn't breathe. (S/n) pulled me into a hug. I was so scared.

About 3 hours had passed since I took the pregnancy test.

"It should be finished sis. Should I go check?"
She nodded and I made my way to the bathroom. I had made sure that the pregnancy test was flipped upside down so then i could turn it around and see my results. I picked up the test, flipped over, and there I saw.. I was pregnant. I dropped the stick and fell to the ground crying.  He is gonna leave me. I can't tell him  I'm pregnant. I just can't.  I heard knocking on the door.

"(Y/n) can I come in." She didn't even have to ask cause she opened the door anyways and saw the positive pregnancy test on the floor. "W-why are you crying?!" She dropped to the floor and hugged me, "This is great news! Your going to be a mother. Jack is going to be so excited!"

"He will leave me I can't tell him." I whined. "I can never tell him!" I sniffled.

"Give me your phone!" She held out her hand and I give her my phone. "I'm skyping Jack and your gonna tell him!" I sniffled a little bit as the video chat was really.

"Hey cake.. What's wrong?" I wiped my tears.

"S-Sean.. I'm pregnant with your baby." Instead of getting mad his eyes filled with list and wonder.

"We are having a little one." He started to.. Smile. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He cheered which made me start laughing.

"Yes you are going to be a father." I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it. Maybe having A baby with the person I love the most won't be that bad.

Jack is so adorable omg

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