Chapter 5

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Meghan's POV

I am walking back to Morgan and my room wrapped up in my thoughts when I run into someone. We fall on top of each other.

"Oh I'm sorry. Oh. Hey Morgan." I say. I was on top of her.

"It's okay. You okay?" She puts her hands on my back sending chills through my spine.

"Uh. Oh, ya. Great." She buys it and smiles back.

Kiss her! She's right where you want her to be! She's frickin under you! Do it! My head screams at me. I brush my hand on her cheek slightly and stare into her beautiful eyes. Her hands start to wander my body as I lean down slowly.

I can't take it anymore. I lean all the way down and kiss her softly. Her hands stop and I realise what I'm doing. I pull up. My face reddens.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Her hands grab the front of my shirt and she giggles.

"It's okay. I liked it. Do it again." She says.

"Wait. Your dating someo-" I start.

"Ugh! You're such an idiot sometimes!" She says and pulls me to her lips. This time it's her who's kissing me and I'm the one hesitating. She pulls me down harder and I give in and kiss back. We roll over so that she's on top of me.

"Your such an idiot." She says after we made out for like 20 minutes. I smile.

"But you like it." I say. She smiles and kisses me again.

"Dang right I do. Now how about we get off the floor and cuddle on my bed."

"I like that idea." She gets off me and helps me up. Keeping my hand in hers I open our door and go in. We go straight to her bed and entangle ourselves like a pretzel and fall asleep.

I wake up around the same time Morgan does. Though during those few minutes by myself I stared at Morgan and thought how lucky I was being right where I was with her. Then she opens her eyes and smiles when she sees me.

"Hey baby. You sleep okay?" I ask, the nickname rolling off my tongue smoothly. She yawns.

"Better than I have in awhile. How did you sleep?" She snuggles closer to me since while we slept we moved away from each other a little.

"Great." I kiss her forehead and and snuggle into her neck.

"You missed." She whispers.

"What?" I move back looking at her. She laughs. She kisses me on the lips. They're so soft they're like a ghost in mine. I kiss back softly. Then it's turns to hard and passionate. We do this for a solid 45 minutes kissing on the lips, jaw, neck, and face. I later try to go a step farther by sliding my hand up her shirt.

Morgan grabs my hand and pulls away.

"Not yet." I nod.

"Okay. I'm hungry. Wanna get some food?" I ask trying to cover up my mistake. She smiles making me relaxed.

"Ya. Let's go."

Ashlyn's POV

"Let's go Ali! I wanna eat! You're worse than Alex." I yell to her. She was in the bathroom getting ready.

"I'm almost done!" She yells for the millionth time.

"You know it's just breakfast." I say once she walks out.

"Ya. But I still wanna look nice." She did look nice. I swear she has a spell on me. No matter what she looked hot.

We kinda both knew that we liked each other but we never talk about. We've kissed once or twice just cause but it was like a best friend kiss. Never long. Just a peck.

"Dude. Ready?" She asks snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh. Ya." She holds out her hand and I take it and she guides me to the elevator. We were leaving early so that hopefully not many people will see us.

We keep our hands together til we reach the front doors then we stand really close to each other. We laugh on our way to the outdoor cafe. I pull out Ali's chair and then take my spot.

"Thanks. This is really fun." Ali says. I smile.

"Mhm. I gotta treat you nice. You're my princess." She blushes at the nickname. "So what do you want?" I ask looking at the menu.

"Coffee and eggs." The waitress comes over and I order to coffees and one plate of eggs for us to share.

"Ashlyn. Why do you call me princess?" Ali asks after we finish breakfast. I put my hand on hers on the table.

"Because that's what you are to me. My princess. no one else's. Mine. Your my one and only princess. Ali." I take a breath. Ali was smiling at me. "I need to tell you something." She sits up straight.

"Ya Ash?" I gulp.

"I... I... I'm sorry. I can't do it." I say. I let her hand go and get up and walk fast back to the hotel.

"Ash! Ash wait!" I look over my shoulder and see her jogging after me. I start jogging then we are both sprinting. I get to the hotel first and run down the hall Tobin's room.

"Open up Tobin!" I bang on the door. Ali rounds the corner as Tobin opens her door. I push her in and shut the door. I slide down the door and breath heavily.

"Dude. What's going on?" Tobin whisper and I see Alex sleeping still.

"Ash! Come on! Open up. I won't run. Tell me! Tobin open the door!" Ali tells and knocks on the door. Tobin goes to Alex and covers her ears. Ali finally leaves. Tobin uncovers Alex's ears and comes to me and sits down next to against the door.

"Gonna tell me what that was all about?" She asks quietly.

"I almost told her how I felt. I held her hand too. It was great." I run my hand through my hair and rub my face. She puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be okay. I know she likes you back. Tell her." She says.

"okay. Wish me luck." I stand up and go out and down the hall Ali and my room. It was unlocked but she wasn't there. Just a note saying that she went out for some air.

I run outside and immediately see her about cross the street. She was looking down and didn't see the car headed straight for her.

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