Chapter 8

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Meghan's POV

It's our day off. I wake up before Morgan like I usually do. I pick up my phone and scroll through my social media.

I really wanted to post something about Morgan but I knew that wouldn't be smart. Besides. We we went even dating yet. It's been a week since I fell onto her.

I've been thinking a lot about us dating and decided that today was the day I'd ask her. I feel her move on me and I put my phone away.

"Hey Morgan." I whisper. She smiles and looks at me.

"Hey." She leans up and kisses me. We deepen the kiss but then our phones buzz. I groan and pull away to check my phone.

Tobin: team meeting at breakfast

"Who was it?" Morgan asks burrying her face into my neck.

"Tobin. Meeting at breakfast." She sighs.

"Okay. But then can we come back to bed?" She mumbles.

"Yep. Let's go. We don't need to change." I kiss the top of her head.

"Okay but your not wearing pants." She points out.

"And your not wearing a shirt." We get up and put our missing clothing on and head downstairs to the meeting room. We chill until everyone is there.

"Okay. So I want to start out with who has heard yelling coming from Alex and I's room?" Tobin asks. I raise my hand. I've heard a lot of yelling and screaming from their room in the past two months.

"Why are you asking this?" HAO asks.

"Because we want to explain what you were hearing exactly." Alex says.

"Sex?" Kelley asks they chuckle.

"No. We thought that you all should know that Alex and I have been fighting for the past several months and it almost destroyed us and our relationship."

"You two? Fight?" Pinoe says. "You guys are like the perfect couple."

"We aren't. If any of you didn't think that was sex and something more serious we thought we'd let you know. And we're happy to say that we are back together." Alex says taking Tobin's hand. Several people awed at them.

I look at Morgan and think.

"Meghan." She says waving her hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality.

"What?" I ask.

"I was asking you what's bothering you."

"Can I talk to you? Privately?" She nods and I take her hand and pull her to the elevator. We stay silent the ride up and to our room.

"Morgan. I'm ready and I think you are too. So. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask kind of fast and look directly into her eyes.

"Yes." She says and smashes her lips into mine.

Kelley's POV

Hope has gotten better and looks so much better. Her and Tobin have become friends again.

But something new has happened to me. Every time I look at hope I smile like an idiot. I get butterflies every time she winks at me. I don't know what's happening right now. I've never felt this way with her before.

Our friendship is still a little off. I'm mad at her and she seems to not notice. Today was the next to last day of camp. We had a training then recovery.

"Kelley. Can I talk to you?" Hope asks after training. I know there's no way I can say no so I follow her to the back of the locker room.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm so so so sorry. I know your tired of me saying this but it's true. I don't want to leave and we're still arguing. And I wanted to tell you a secret to show you that I trust you and want to be friends again." I wait. "I'm gay." My eyes widen.

"What?!" I yell. She shushes me. "And you made fun of me for being gay when you were gay all along?" I ask bringing my voice down.

"I wasn't then. But someone has made me change sexuality." My hands start to get sweaty and I bite my lip.

"I'm scared to ask but who?"

"I think it's you." She says shyly. It clicks in my head that I like her back. That's why I've felt all these different ways towards her. I smile and lift her head up.

"Well you in luck cause I think I like you too." I whisper. Our lips connect. We kiss softly but we also forgot about our teammates.

"Oh shiit!" Pinoe yells. We pull apart. "Guys come here! You guys busted." She says to us. The team makes their way over.

"Guess what?" Pinoe starts.

"What?" They ask.

"Kelley and Hope just kissed." She smirks. They all gasp, smile, and turn to us with their mouthed wide open.

"Oops." I say. Syd and Pinoe smirks at us.

"Ya. Oops." Syd says.

"Tell me everything now." Alex says dragging me away from Hope. I see her closer fiends such as Ashlyn and Carli go to her.

"Well. We just said that we like each other then we kissed." She stage at me as if they expect more. "That's it guys."

"It can't be." Julie says.

"It is so bye." I say and get up and go to the bus which Hope came into later and sat next to me.

I smile and and take her hand. She smiles back and I know she's the one for me.

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