Chapter 1 - Perth

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Perth, Australia 05:00 6-2-2020

“Well, if it isn’t Miss Rachel Gordon...” Tim McHugan, codenamed ‘Ghost’, nick-named Tim, grinned, showing his pearly whites, as he flicked back his blonde hair, revealing his brown eyes. Some would call him a ‘handsome, polite young man, destined for great things’, and some would call him one of the ‘most obnoxiously big-headed pigs you could ever meet’. Ms Rachel. E. Rhodes, code-named ‘Morgana’, was one of the latter.

“Well if it isn’t Timothy McFatty.” Rachel rolled her eyes at Tim, as his face screwed up in mock horror.                                                                                                                                                                               

“How can I be fat? I mean, look at these muscles Morgana! I bet these could drive off your evil spells anytime. How about another duel?” Timothy grinned apprehensively, hopping off the helicopter.     

 “Pfft, last time we ‘duelled’ you ended up in hospital ‘Ghost’. Unfortunately your invisibility wore off, cause I sure could see those bruises, and big ones they were too. Really makes you wonder who caused them.” Rachel smirked, as the wind from the retracting helicopter blew her red bangs out of her blue eyes.                                                                                                                    

  “Yeah, but then you cheated, so that doesn’t count-and yes, punching me is cheating. You knew I couldn’t afford to get my shirt dirtied.” Tim frowned, as the pair started to walk towards a large building.                                                                                                                                                                

“Ha, I sometimes wonder if you ever run out of shirts, cause I did NOT cheat. You should have changed into something more suitable.” Rachel raised her brows, walking faster.

“You did TOO cheat!”


“Did TOO”

They were the best of partners. Yes, childish sometimes, yes egotistic, other times, but at the end of the day they were a force to be reckoned with. Timothy, the Ghost, aged 24, and Rachel, Morgana, aged 21, were on a mission that would defy missions. This time it was serious. Because the most important person in the United States apart from the President had ordered it to take place.

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