Chapter 5-Various Places Around the Globe

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Venice, Italy

“Moglie, dove sono le chiavi?” the burly Italian shouted across the room.

“Non lo so! Non lo so!” a female voice shouted back. Suddenly, a violent shake shuddered across the ground, moving the furniture, and the civilians.

“Terremoto! Terremoto!” the man ran around the room, hands in the air, and then leaped under a table shaking. The whole town shook, as the man and his wife cowered under their kitchen table. Then, as soon as it had begun, the shaking stopped, leaving the skinny Italian  quivering. Suddenly the town lurched down, as a fisherman stared in horror at the rising water.

“AIUTO! AIUTO! L’ACQUE!” the fisherman shouted feverishly, running around like a possessed man, and waving his hands in the air frantically. He ran to the old house near the canal and pounded on the door furiously.

“Fammi Nella! Fammi Nella!” he shouted fearfully. Finally the door opened to reveal the skinny Italian.

“Cosa?” the man snapped

“L’acque! Sta arrivando!” The skinny Italian opened his eyes wide.

“Wife! Call the Americans!”

“Oh, so now you’re talking to me in English?” a feminine voice snapped back.

“The water is rising! We are drowning!” the fisherman screamed in agony, as the skinny Italian shut the door hastily, but not before a torrent of water pushed through the wooden door, engulfing him in a large gulp.

Bangladesh, South Asia

“And to the left, to the right! Now girls, point!” Blonde haired Ms Kellane shouted happily, watching her five young girls perfect their routine for the Winter Show.  Suddenly a shuddering echoed throughout the room as the girls stumbled, holding on to the railings for dear life.

“Now girls, stay calm. Must be just a minor earthquake.”

“Yes Ms Kellane” they chorused, now struggling to stand.

All of a sudden, a loud bang resonated throughout the well lit room, as a short pudgy man came running in, gasping for breath.

“Water! Coming! Town! Drowned! Hide! Run!” the man panted, as he turned around to the glass doors, his eyes wide with horror.

“Calm down Boris, now, repeat what you said, slower.” Mrs Kellane spoke softly.

Without warning, a shrill scream echoed throughout the mirrored room, and all heads turned to a girl in a pink tutu, as she pointed to the waves of water running towards them. All eyes widened except Boris’, whose eyes rolled back in his head, as he dropped to the floor. Mrs Kellane pulled Boris away, and she rushed up the stairs, pulling the trail of girls behind her. But it was too late, the screams of the girls lost in the dirty water, as it resumed its journey.

Egypt, Africa

The children in the wide brimmed hats walked almost joyfully near the fertile land along the Nile River. Their hands held together, they started the skip along the right side of the delta. All at once, the two boys shook, and collapsed, as the ground around them pushed down.

“Brother, why does the water look so big?” the younger one asked innocently

“RUN!” the older boy shouted frantically, dragging the younger brother after him as he ran as fast as he possibly could. The older boy suddenly turned around and was dragged into the murky depths of the now expanded Atlantic Ocean.

Maldives, Asia

“Look at the pretty fishy!” the little boy giggled to his mother, as he pointed to a rainbow coloured fish. Unexpectedly, the boy fell in when the ground started to shake, and suddenly dipped lower. All of a sudden, the water rose up engulfing the boy in a yawn, as the mother screamed for her child, but not before the angry waters smirked, eating her up as well. Progressing on, it scanned the island, and continued its voyage across the small nation.



Hey everyone! 

I'm Sirling, and I hope you've liked this story so far! 

Some of you may be wondering how to read the Italian, for 'Venice, Italy'. Well, Google Translate is what I used! I quite enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Please Vote, Like, Comment, Fan and.. well.. read my other stories if you're intrested. 

I'm still looking for a cover for 'I, Who Caused the Suicide', so if you can make one, please do, and I might use it, but i'll definitely dedicate a chappie to you!

Goodbye for now!

TheSharke :)

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