One. Freaking. Direction.

14.3K 920 1K

Dear Wattpad, 

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something about the number of 1D fanfics out there. I seriously think Wattpad needs to add a new section of just One Direction, because the Fan Fiction genre literally has 2 million stories in it, and I bet more than half of them are One Direction fan fictions.

It literally just buries all the other types of fanfics. For example, I went on to the "All Time" Section of Fan Fiction,and literally the first 5 pages were almost all 1D.

I know what you're thinking, But TakenByTheAngels, why do you have 1D fanfics? Well, reader, it is because I used to like them (Keyword: USED), and I don't wnt to delete one of them because it was the first story I made on Wattpad, and I'm just a teensy bit sentimental for it.

But also, let's not forget the wonderful beauty of the "One Direction Crossovers".

No. No. No no no no NO.

If you want to make a crossover between 1D and... Justin Beiber, then go ahead, but I have seen One Direction crossovers between:

Panic! At The Disco
Harry Potter 
Black Veil Brides
The Avengers
Doctor Who
The X-Men

I wish I were kidding. If you want to make a crossover, make sure they're even slightly related. Because The Doctor meeting One Direction and bringing them in his TARDIS or Hermione Granger falling in love with one of them who happens to be a Wizard or 1D being famous on YouTube and meeting Smosh and becoming Best Friends with them is SO. FREAKING. STUPID. JUST STOP.

However, if One Direction did a collab with Justin Beiber or Harry Styles started to date Selena Gomez or whatever, That's okay, because they're at least a little bit related.


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