Speling dusint mater if its onlin

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Another thing that really makes me feel bad for society is when people feel that if you write a story, grammar, punctuation, and spelling isn't relevant. I mean, I get it when someone accidentally forgets a letter in a word or uses the wrong form of "your" ONCE, but when people misspell EVERY OTHER WORD, it just gets annoying.

Not to mention when people write "omg" or "lol" during dialogue, or when they use an excessive amount of exclamation/question marks. Oh, and the ever-popular writing of "2" instead of "to" or "b4" instead of before. I HAVE REALLY SEEN THIS. For example:

'omg stacey did you c wut i did 2 john rite b4 we lft !!?!?!??!?!??!?! it wus sooooooooo funny !!!1!!!1!!!11!!'

No. Just, No.

And I am sad to say that I have actually seen this happen. Another time, I was reading an AMAZING story that I still love that has a great plot line and everything, with a great style of writing and characters and everything. but the writer obviously doesn't know the difference between there, they're, and their. It seems like they literally chose one of the three at random and just typed it out. For example (I'm not using real names or sentences from this book for respect of the author):

"Clyde!" She yelled towards me, "Look over they're!"


It just really frustrates me because it's a really good book.

There = a place (i.e. Over there!) They're = contraction for they are (i.e. They're having fun!) Their = a possesion of many people (i.e. Look at their shiny medals!)

Grammar lesson provided by me.

Examples of bad spelling I have found on Wattpad (These are real, but I mean NO harm at all to their writers, it is just an example, please please please don't take it the wrong way!)

Hi we'll my name is polly I'm skinny have long black hair and sorta Girly sorta boyey I have a twin sister named Angie she's skinny and had long blonde hair and is a tomboy her bestfreinds name is Lucas he's has a average wieght has bebier swoop hair ! Were 13 and right now I'm on a bus heading to silver dollar city in Branson mo and from small town Cassville mo and I'm in a group with my sister and Lucas .what fun adventures will happen  

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