Hi! I'm- NO.

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We all knew this chapter would come.

And we all hate it.

So, please, never, ever, ever, EVER write this in the first chapter of your stories:

Hi! My name is noonegivesafuck, I'm 18, I have light brown, wavy hair, piercing green eyes, and I love makeup, drawing, horses, and and the color pink! But i'm also a tomboy, like I love playing videgames. #lolnerd

It's only good writing if you sneak their appearance into your writing. For example:

I tucked my light brown hair behind my ear as my green eyes darted across the room.

I mean, J.K. Rowling never dedicated a chapter to say "This is Harry! He's going to save the world! Oh, and his favorite color is dark red!" No.

This one also has lots of irony in it, because in my first fanfic (my 1D one) I did this. But that was because it was when I first joined Wattpad, and before that, I would be on Quotev, and on Quotev, you would be a bad writer if you DIDN'T have a description. So.

Just promise me to NEVER EVER DO THIS.


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