A Rant On Fangirls (Although I Am One Myself)

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Sometimes, I really hate fangirls. I hate them so much.


Like right now.


And let me just tell you I am in the middle of a class right now so I’m pretty mad if I’m taking the time to update this. There will be no proofreading because this is a rant, not a graded essay. And I’m pretty pissed off.


Fangirls are completely meaning well (most of the time), but I really hate when they treat real people as if they’re fictional characters of whom they can mess with as much as they please. Mostly those of YouTubers. I’m not naming names. *coughs* danandcryandsmoshandpewdsandcryagainandcharlesandmostlycryandshaneandseriouslywhydoyouguystreatcrysobadly *coughs*


Excuse me. I may be coming down with something. Like a cold. A bad cold. *punches wall*


It’s like you guys feel the need to deem these people as better than everyone else, which is fine, until you have to announce it to everyone and gang up on people they call their real friends, telling them that “Oh, he’s too good for you,” “Why is he even your friend?” etc. etc.


Like, SHUT UP.


They’re their friends, and I would hate to watch them lose connections with people, important people, whether personally or career wise, because of fangirls. Just imagine if you got a chip implanted into your brain that notifies you every time someone you like lost a friend or opportunity or bond because of fans. That would hurt.


I also don’t know why you all think that we need to be aware of every little thing they do, and not understanding when they want a break. “BUT YOU HAVEN’T SENT A TWEET IN A WHOLE DAY” or “THERE HASN’T BEEN A VIDEO POSTED FOR THREE AND A HALF HOURS!!!1!!!!!!1!111!!1”


You all need to calm down and realize that these are real people in the world who have thoughts and feelings and probably don’t like it when someone pressures them with everything they do, let alone thousands upon thousands of people every day.


And now I’m typing super hard and fast on the keyboard and people are staring and this is what this topic does to me.


For example, let’s take someone who has a name, but they don’t usually go by it (i.e. PewDiePie, Cry, The ShayTards’ kids, etc.). I know their names (Well I don’t know Cry’s but I don’t want to), But it really pisses me off when people say “omG FELIX UR SO AWesomE!!11”, or “GaVIN AND AviA AND EmMi And BROCk Are ADORBBSsss!!!” Like, shut up. We know their names. But there’s a little thing called respect. It’s where you don’t, in some cases, spend hours trying to find their names on Google and Twitter and Tumblr and then only use it. They have nicknames for reasons, and unless they say “Yeah, you can use this name,” then don’t. What kind of person are you? Like, even in my own mind, I don’t refer to Pewds as “Felix”, I refer to him as “Pewds” or “PewDiePie”, because I think that, because I don’t know him on a personal basis, I don’t have a right to address him on a personal level.


And when people want to manipulate them as if they can control them, well, I don’t even want to go into it or I’ll cry in the middle of everyone here.


Also, when people say things like “___ has really helped me through tough times and I wish I could just thank them”, I really like that and I love how people are honest and it helps me know I’m not alone, but when people say, “HEY YOU IMMA TWEET AND GOOGLE PLUS AND FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM AND WRITE A TUMBLR POST TO YOU ALL ABOUT IT JUST SO YOU CAN SEE”, Like, I hope you become allergic to chocolate or lose the ability to type or something.


I just hope you can all realize that all those people you love, THEY’RE REAL PEOPLE TOO.

I’m going to end it here before I actually punch a wall.

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