Adoption Stories

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One thing that makes me mad is when people abuse the "Adoption" side of things. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy stories with that plotline, but sometimes things are just... unrealistic.

For one, when there's a kid who finds out that they were adopted, and bam, they hate their foster parents. Like, full out disgust in them. "Why didn't you tell me!?", "I hate you guys!", "I want my real parents!", because technically, if you had been adopted at n early age and don't remember your "real" parents, and these people were the ones who raised you, they are your real parents, even if it isn't by blood. I mean, I get it if someone wants to meet their birth parents, but when they hate their foster parents for not letting them see them, maybe there's a reason. A lot of the time, kids are put up for adoption because their birth parents weren't ready, or problems were caused so they couldn't keep the kid. And I know someone who wasadopted and hell, their birth parents want nothing to do with her.

Also, when celebrities adopt some 14 year old kid. Um, no. That is not going to happen. For example, a group of five boys in a pop band are not going to adopt a fucking kid together.

And, on the group of celebrities, they aren't going to adopt someone their own age, and then bam, it's a romance. (I've seen this. I've actually seen this plotline.) Because one, technically that would be a relationship between Father and Daughter or Mother and Son. So..

And not to mention the fact that once you're legally 18, you are taken out of foster care. So that basically wipes out ll common sense of stories with kids who are 18 and above in foster homes.

This was just a short little rant that needed to be said.


Also, really fast, if any of you know and/or like the YouTubers danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil, I wanted to let you guys know that I posted a Rant on Phan in my book called Dreams. I didn't want to post it here because I don't know how many people actually like Dan and Phil who read this, so you have a choice if you want to read it or not. I am saying though, that one is a real rant. I mean, I was mad. So there is swearing, and it's really a rant I'm actually really mad about. ^-^"

If you read it, I hope you leave a comment, I want that to be a little discussion on the topic. Thanks!


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