Song Lyrics In Chapters

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Want to know something that has bugged me from about Day 1 of being on Wattpad?

When people write Song Lyrics in the middle of chapters.

I mean, I can be okay if you were to write a verse of a song, skip a few parts, another verse, maybe the chorus, and that's it, but when you take the time to copy and paste in an entire song with four spaces between each line, that's when it gets on my nerves.

The biggest reason for this is that someone could have a two page long chapter on Wattpad (which is kind of a lot to write, at least for me), and a page of that is only song lyrics? Something that you didn't create, and you used the little copy paste method on your keyboard to add in, that takes up half of your update? Um, no.

And not to mention the fact that no one actually reads the song lyrics word for word. I actually don't read them at all. Its a waste of time in my opinion.

I understand if the point you're trying to make is that the situation involves a character who is singing it listening to a song they really like, but that doesn't mean you need to write the entire. Freaking. Song out.


Apologies for the short rant, but I feel bad for not posting this in so long. If you have any topics you'd like me to rant about, you are 100% free to leave them in the comments here or in a PM, and I will do them. Honestly, they only help.

And although I do read every single comment posted on here, even if they're from chapters from long ago, I'd rather you leave your suggestions on the newest chapter. I do still check my email every day and read all the new comments (which is basically my favorite part of my day) and see comments from every chapter, but it's more convenient this way, and I'm more likely to remember. I love seeing people comment on a whole bunch of chapters, it's fun. I feel bad that I don't reply to them, but it's mostly only because I'm crap at replying to anything. But I swear I do read them.

In fact, on the topic of older chapters (if we were on that topic), one of my most popular chapters with lots of comments is my chapter talking about that one user, harrehz_sezzy_twin I think it is (I'm really only guessing the username, I'm sorry if that's wrong). That chapter was meant to be deleted a long time ago, because I know it's honestly a bit rude to that user, but I haven't taken it down because A, you seem to get a kick out of it, and B, (no matter how many times the user has denied it), I'm about 99% positive that the user does not actually write like that and it is a joke.

In fact, they have seen the chapter, have commented on it, and have even given me a Dedication in one of their stories (not really sure why, but I'll take it). The thing I'm saying here is that this user has not told me that what I said was rude or hurtful (even though it honestly was), but if they're reading this, they are allowed to PM at any time (with whatever use or misuse of grammar they please) asking to take it down, which I will.

I know this kind of ruins the joke of that chapter, but I'm saying it here because I honestly don't want to be known by that user and many others as "the person who dissed them". I'm not that bad of a person. (And I really don't want to be reported tbh. It was rude, yes, but it wasn't meant as direct hate towards the user)

Okay, I guess this chapter was my excuse to write about this, it wasn't really a rant. But tell me any of your rant suggestions and I will do them, and if that user does happen to find this and wants me to take that chapter down, please tell me and I will.

(Although honestly I haven't read the "DON'T HATE ME DON'T HATE ME" Chapter since it was written, and I have no desire to, so I don't really know what it says)

I hope you don't hate me I much for this mostly Author's Note/Not Really A Rant chapter, but a bigger one will be up soon. And also, if you've really read this far, here's a secret: I have an obsession with DBZ. You either know what that stands for or not, but it sucks because I know no one in the same fandom.

TBTA ^-^"

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