Geeks Vs. Nerds

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This is a chapter that has sat empty in my drafts for some time. I've taken an extremely unnecessary amount of time to research this, and I've collected notes that I've pulled together to make this chapter, and to finally settle (at least among the readers of this) the difference between a geek and a nerd.

It's been a large debate over what the difference between a geek and a nerd is (Specifically in this book in the chapter entitled "I'm So Socially Awkward It's Not Even Funny"). What should we call that introverted blogger who goes home to write fanfics and fangirls over TV Shows, movies, video games, etc.? And what do we call the academically obsessed person who takes passion in tidbits of information and knowledge?

First, let's start with the "nerd". Now, it is very widely identified that there are quotes saying that you'll end up working for a nerd one day, based on their brilliance and knowledge. This must make it pretty clear that a nerd is more academically involved, right? Not exactly.

Nerds are more known to be more passionate about something, but they are also identified as the more introverted one of the two. The most mistaken part about nerds is that there are different kinds of nerds, in fact, there is a large variety of "nerds". For example, there are the types of nerds that have more educational interests, such as Computer Nerds, History Nerds, Factoid Nerds, Math. Nerds, Science Nerds, Literature Nerds, Debate Nerds, etc. These types of nerds are passionate about more educational based topics. However, there are also nerds that are based more on the fandom side (for lack of better word), such as Anime/Manga Nerds, Video Game Nerds, Sci-Fi Nerds, etc. These are the stereotypical nerds that play games like Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Portal, The Legend of Zelda, or Pokemon, or watch Doctor Who and Sherlock and Supernatural, or focus on animes/mangas like Attack on Titan, Soul Eater, Black Butler, Full Metal Alchemist, and Sword Art Online. In this section of "nerds", people who write fanfiction, run a fandom blog, and other related topics are also included. Of course, this also does not limit other fandom type things, such as YouTube, Harry Potter, etc., and even the Bandom nerds.

Within all of this however, there are even nerds that are interested, or passionate, about art, music, drama, and other recreational things. This shows that nerds are based around having a big passion for something, academic or not.

Now, let's look at Geeks.

Geeks are more leaning toward being "enthusiastic" about something. Yes, there's a difference between passion and enthusiasm. With passion, you spend a lot of time focused on something, while with enthusiasm, you are excited to learn about something. In a way, it's less obsessive (again, for lack of better word).

Once again, you can be a geek for many things, whether they be academic, recreational, or anything else.

"But Taken!", I hear you desperately shout, "Nerds are supposed to be academically involved only!"

That's where I tell you to sit your ass back down, reader, because I don't agree.

Although in the past, a nerd has in fact been known to be purely passionate about academic matters, I think that the term "nerd" has become so mainstream and involved in Pop Culture that the meaning has changed, whether the dictionary says it or not.

That being said, you should be left wondering, "Should I, the night-blogger, refer to myself as a geek or nerd?" (Or whatever you are, not everyone's a night blogger)

The answer to that is this: Call yourself whatever the hell you want. Just don't go telling other people that what they call themselves isn't "technically right". It's a stupid debate and it has a simple solution.

In conclusion, I shall continue to call myself a "nerd", even if you think I'm "technically" a geek.

It is now very late at night and I felt like giving you guys a chapter, so here~

Also, sorry if this doesn't involve the usual amount of capitalization and boldened/italicized words, but it was something that needed to be settled.

PS, this is dedicated to virtuesintheverse, purely because you should check her out and she deserves 100 times more followers that I have, so please, check out her profile/read her stories? I promise, you will not be disappointed.

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