My Friends

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Welcome back guys ! I am so excited right now. I just found out my boyfriend is moving a little closer to me and I get to see him more. He will be attending the University of Houston and he’ll be playing football for them. We’ll still be in different states but for the summer I’ll be in Houston everyday to be close by him. Today he’s coming to see me and we’re going to spend the whole day together. I just love being around him. He makes me feel special. Its like every time we’re around each other, I feel like we’ve just met all over again. I love him so much and cant wait to spend the rest of my life with.

Well now I’m going to tell you about my Square (three best friends), Mariah, Ava, and Elijah. We’ve been best friends since the 3rd grade. Mariah is a thick white girl. She also ball. She’s cool, funny, smart and beautiful. She loves her some black boys. Yess lawd (In her voice). Mariah is very protective of me. She don’t let anyone say nothing bad about me or hurt me. She keeps her hair in a messy bun everyday except Fridays, that’s the day she dresses up. I love my white girl ! Now Ava, me and her didn’t get along at first. The first day of 3rd grade we had a little altercation. She didn’t like that Elijah (yes my best friend) wanted to sit by me in class everyday. Yeah I know petty but we were young. After that we became the best of friends and Ava and Elijah started dating. It didn’t last a day, but their still friends. Ava is a skinny half breed. She doesn’t take shit from anybody. She is gutta, and when I say gutta I mean GUTTA! Ava is the last person anybody wants to mess with. She doesn’t play any sports, but she does party a lot. And she’s really dingy. And last but not least Elijah *pic to the side*. Eli and I have the strongest bond out of any of the other two. He helped me thru A LOT. Tell you more about it later. He’s also I half breed with really big muscles and he has curly hair. Eli grew up in the ghetto and never really had much. He’s a really smart kid and he LOVES football. He wants to go pro. Elijah is like a big brother to all of us, he doesn’t want any boy to hurt us or he‘ll hurt them. He gives all of us advice about boys. I don’t know what we’ll do without him.

I have cousins that I’m cool with but I don’t see them as often. But the only cousin that I’m really close with is Zaneria. I love her so much. Her and her family the only ones that actually communicate with us. They come down for birthdays and holidays. Zay (that’s what I call her) is 2 years younger than me, the little sister I never had. Oh yeah forgot to tell y’all if you didn’t catch on I’m an ONLY child. Zay is also and only child. She’s gorgeous, smart, loving, and very athletic. She plays volleyball, basketball, softball and throws in track. Can you say ALLSTAR ? Zay can be a little bossy sometimes but that’s just her. Oh yeah let me just say SHE’S CRAZY ! Not the bad crazy, the good crazy. She just like to have fun and she’s very goofy. She stays back in Houston with her mom and dad. Its summer now so she’ll be here and pretty soon and I cant wait.

Tomorrow I’m spending the day with Eli. He always surprise us with dates and little gifts. He once bought all three us dog tags that said “I love you with all my heart. - Eli” we wear them everyday. He’s so sweet. I always wonder why he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet. He just tells me, “ I have a potential girlfriend . I just haven’t made my move yet.” I mean Eli can have any girl he wants but he turns him all down. He might have sex with a few of them but that’s it. I don’t know. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have this talk again because I need to know everything about my brother.

I bet y’all wondering why i’m not telling you much yet, but right now I just wanna let y’all meet everybody first so you wont be confused later in the story. Well I go to go, practice in a few. Also before I go, I have another book called Questions for Kayla. Go check it out! You can ask me anything you want and I’ll answer.

!Hasta luego!

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