Might be what i need

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Sorry the last chapter was short, I’ll make it up.

I woke up and it was only 4 o’clock. There was so much on my mind and I just wanted peace. I picked up my phone from the night stand and called Eli.


Me: Hey Eli, what are you doing ?

Him: Nothing thinking, what are you doing?

Me: The same. Look Eli, I’m confused about everything that happen and I don’t know what to think or do about it.

Him: Shai I love you and I always have. I just got tired of holding it in. I didn’t mean to throw it all on you the way I did but I had to let you know.

Me: Elijah, that wasn’t right for you to do that. I’m engaged to Kayden and you know that.

He was quiet for a moment.

Him: Do you love him Shai ?

Me: Of course I do. I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t.

Him: Okay well forget whatever happened between us. I’m sorry and I only want to see you happy Shai. I love you ma and I’m always here no matter what.

Me: Thanks Eli that means a lot to me. I love you too . I’ll text you later

Him: Alright, bye Shai.

I felt a little better after my conversation with Eli, but something still didn’t sit right with me. I texted my Pops for some advice. Pops always knew what was right and what I should do. My pops give the best advice, and I know he knew what I should do.

Me: Hey Pops, wyd ?

Pops: Nothing much at work, wyd ?

Me: Just got up from a nap. I need some help L

Pops: Okay, whats wrong baby girl ?

Me: Its Eli. He told me some things and I don’t know how to take it or what I need to do.

Pops: Oh yeah, mama told me about that. All Imma tell you is follow your heart baby. Don’t listen to no one else but yourself cause only you know whats best for you.

Me: Thanks daddy, but I don’t know what to do. I mean I love Kayden but I also love Eli. Its so much daddy.

Pops: Follow your heart Princess. Daddy has to go to a meeting now. See you when I get home, I love you !

Me: I love you too daddy J

I guess I need to follow my heart. But my heart is just as confused as I am. I never thought this would ever happen to me, but everyone else around me knew. Why didn’t anyone tell me? Ugh, this is so stressful. I think I should call the engagement off with Kayden until I figure out what I want. I mean I want Kayden but like I said before I have my doubts with him. And Eli he’s been there since day one. Whenever me and Kayden had a fight he was always there for me. He was my shoulder to cry on. Eli means a lot to me and I wouldn’t know what I would do without him. I guess I’ll play 2k13 till Ma or Pops gets home. I turned on the game and started playing. Usually I’d play against Eli but I didn’t feel like playing online so I just played against the computer. I love 2k. I could play it all day but I have a life lol. My phone rang and it was Eli.


Me: Hello ?

ELI: Hey, what are you doing ?

Me: Playing the game , what about you ?

ELI: Nothing laying here thinking, can I come over ?

Me: Um… Eli I don’t know if that’s a good idea right now.

ELI:I promise nothing is going to happen. Please I just wanna see you.

Me: Okay, but as soon as you try something you’re gone.

ELI: I promise I wont.

Me: Alright see you in a little

ELI: Alright.

Before I could continue my game, Eli was already knocking on the door. “You must knew I would say yes.” I said opening the door. “Yeah , you know you cant resist me” He responded walking up the stairs to my room. “Whatever punk.” I laughed. He sat in his usual spot on the floor in front of my bed and grabbed the other controller. I sat on the bed behind him and restarted the game. “Fifty dollars, I’ll beat you.” “Naw ma, a date tomorrow says you wont.” “Okay deal.” We started the game. He was the Heat as usual and I was the Spurs. We played till it was half time. He was up by 4 but I was gone catch back up. “Are you hungry?’ I asked “Yeah, a little.” “Wanna order pizza?” “Sure I’ll call” he said taking out his phone dialing Pizza Hut’s number. The pizza arrived 20 minutes later. We went down stairs, he paid and I grabbed plates and cups. We walked back in the room and ate. I swear I love spending time with Eli. I feel like I’m on top of the world with him. Maybe giving him a chance wouldn’t be a bad idea. But I Kayden..What would he think? I don’t know I just need to think about this some more before I make any decisions. We continued the game and ate. “Look i’m winning punk.” I was up by 3 now. “All I gotta do is let Wade shoot a three and we’d be tied.” We was really into the game. I didn’t even notice my Pops came home. “Hey Kayla, where are you?” he yelled. “We’re in the room.” “We?” he said walking in the room looking at Eli. “Sup Lijah” he said dapping Eli up. “Sup Pops” he said smiling at me. I pushed him in the back of his head and laughed. He knew I hated when he called him that. Only I could call him that. “Well imma let y’all have fun. I just wanted to let you know I was here. Love you baby girl goodnight” Pops hugged and kissed me then dapping Eli up. Before he walked out the room he told me Mom wont be home till the morning she’s working late at the hospital. “Pops love me.” “I know a little too much. But lets continue this game so you can give me my money” I said in Smokey’s voice. “Yeah okay”. We continued the game. It was ten seconds left of the game and I was up by two. Eli had the ball and Wade shot a three. Ugh I swear I hate losing. “Looks like we have a date tomorrow.” “Whatever you got lucky punk.” I said throwing a pillow at him. His phone started ringing, but he ignored it. “Aren’t you going to answer it?” I asked. “Nope!” “Why not?” “Cause I’m spending time with you right now.” I blushed. I didn’t know what else to say. All I know is that I knew what I wanted and I hope I’m wasn’t making a mistake. We’ll see where this goes. Now all I have to do was tell Kayden. I just didn’t know he would take everything, but I hope he would understand. Eli spent the night that night, I felt safe in his arms. This might be what I needed.

Song for this chapter: Colbie Callait-Bubbly (side)

What do you think Kayden will say?

Will Shai and Eli be happy ?

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