What just happened ?

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*Picture of Mariah to the side, yeah she looks mixed but she's white*

The next morning Mariah called me. “Wake up!” she yelled into the phone. Ugh I hate how she so loud. I looked at the clock and it was 10 o’clock. “Mariah, why are you waking me up so early?” “Because we have things to do today and you need to get up and be ready when I get there.” She hung up before I could get anything out. I rolled over and almost forgot Kayden was in the bed next to me. I kissed his cheek and got out the bed. I ran some water in the tub and poured bubbles. I lit some candles, turned out the lights, and got in. the warm water touched my body and I went into deep thought. I thought about my marriage with Kayden and if everything would go the way it should. Don’t get me wrong I love Kayden but I get those feelings sometimes. I thought about Elijah and why was he being so distant from me. Something was wrong with him and I needed to know what it was. I relaxed a little while and bathed and got out. I brushed my teeth then went to my closet to find something to wear. Since I wasn’t doing much today I thought I would go basic. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, a super hero cropped shirt, and a pair of yellow chucks. I put mousse in my hair so it could be curly. No make-up today! Mariah texted me and told me she was almost to the house. I woke Kayden up and told him I would be with Mariah and to call me if he needed anything. He said okay and kissed me then went back to sleep. I swear that boy could sleep up a storm.

I ran down the stairs and out the door. Mariah was honking her horn like crazy. I swear that girl is crazy. I got in her car and we drove to Eli’s. As we was in the car Mariah had the radio blasting Boosie. That girl loves her some Boosie. We pulled up to Eli’s and knocked on the door. “Hey babies.” Eli’s mom said answering the door. “Hey mama.” Mariah and I said. Eli’s mom told her he was in his room sleeping. Mariah and I went upstairs and do what did every time one of us was sleeping late. We jumped in the bed and started tickling Eli. Childish, right? Lol but that’s what we do. Eli was very ticklish. “Okay I’m up I’m up.” he laughed. He sat up and looked at us. “How’s my two beautiful ladies?” he asked “I’m fine as you can see.” Mariah said admiring herself in the mirror. “I’m good boo.” I said. “How are you?” Mariah asked Eli. “I’m living.” he said. I looked at Eli and I knew something was wrong. Mariah phone started ringing and she answered. Eli and I just looked at her while she had her conversation. “That was my mom. She said college scouts were at the house and they wanted to talk to me. So I’ll be back later to get you Shai.” she said. Mariah loves basketball and wants to play in college. I love playing ball but I don’t wanna play in college. “Okay, I’ll see you later.” I said. She gave Eli a kiss on the cheek and left. Eli stared at me. “What?” I asked him. “I gotta get some things off my chest. But first I need a shower. Care to join?” he laughed and walked to the bathroom. I laid back on the bed and flipped thru the channels. My phone vibrated and I had a text from Kayden.

Husband: hey babe, wyd ?

Me: Chilling with Eli, wyd?

Husband: Heading out with your Pops, he wants to spend time with his son in law

Me: Lol that’s good bae, have fun!

Husband: I will, love you baby J

Me: I love yo too babe J

Husband: I cant wait to make you my wife Kayla .

Me: I cant wait to be your wife Kayden Jermaine :*

Husband: Bye baby, tell Elijah I said whats up.

Me: Okay baby I will.

Eli walked in the room and caught me smiling. “Why you smiling so hard?” he asked. I looked up and Eli had on nothing but a towel (as always). I swear Elijah had a body like ooowwee. Something about him just made me go crazy. I swear I would do some things to him. But I couldn’t cause I was with Kayden. “Hello?” he said snapping me out of thoughts. “Oh w-what?” I stuttered. He laughed, “why are you smiling so hard ma?” “Oh no reason just a text from Kayden.” I responded. “Lucky guy!” he said looking for some boxers. I watched as he slid them on and unwrapping the towel showing the rest of his body. My heart started trembling. I swear I thought I was losing my mind. I was lost for words. SPEECHLESS! I snapped out of my thoughts, “So what you need to get off your chest Elijah?” I asked. “can you out lotion on my back?” he asked handing me some lotion. I grabbed the lotion and he sat on the bed with his back turned to me. I began to rub the lotion and I began to feel some type of way. “Can I tell you something Ja’Shai?” I stopped rubbing his back and he looked at me. Elijah never calls me by my whole name like that. “What’s wro-?” he cut me off and kissed me. I couldn’t resist so I kissed him back. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I gave it to him. He laid me back on the bed. I wrapped my arm around his neck deepening the kiss. I didn’t know what was going thru my head but I didn’t want him to stop. So many thoughts was running thru my head. I finally told Eli to stop. He looked at me, “Look Kayla I’m in love with you and I’ve always been in love with you since we were little. I can’t lie to myself anymore. I want you and I want to be with you. You’re not like the other girls I’ve dated. You understand me and you actually care about me. All these other girls just want me cause they see dollar signs. I want Shai and only you.” I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there and stared off into space. “I’m.. I don’t know what to say Eli. This is kind of awkward. I mean I love you but I don’t think I’m in love with you.” I lied I was in love with him and always have been but I was with Kayden and I couldn’t do him like that. I was engaged to him. “I’ll give you time to think.” he said getting up from the bed and putting on basketball shorts. “oh yeah, he said, all this was planned. You and Mariah coming over here to see what was wrong with me. Mariah never got a call from her mom that was MY mom. She’s been down stairs the whole time.” I was shocked I didn’t know what to say. “I have to go Elijah I’ll call you tonight” I said walking to him kissing him on the cheek. Before I turned to walk out the room he grabbed my wrist, “I love you Kayla and I’m not going to hurt you I promise. Just think about it please.” I pulled away from his grip and walked out. I walked down stairs and told Mariah I was ready to go.

I was quiet the whole ride home. We pulled up to my house and I got out without telling Mariah anything. I didn’t know what to say. I was lost at words. I walked into the house without speaking to anyone and walked right into my room and closing the door behind me. I put on a pair of night shorts and a sports bra and laid in bed. My phone vibrated. I just looked at it. Kayden walked in the room and sat next to me. “Is everything okay baby?” “I’m fine. I just want to be alone right now, if that’s okay with you.” I told him turning to face the other way. He got up, “ Well I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk.” I watched as he walked out the room. As he closed the door, tears just flowed down my face. Someone knocked on the door. I didn’t say anything. My mom walked in and sat next to me. She looked at me, “ Whats wrong baby?” Tears began to fall and I laid my head in her lap. She rubbed my back, “It’s okay baby, just tell me what happen. I sat up and wiped my tears from my face. “Mommy, Mariah and I went over to Eli’s house today to see what was wrong with him. Mariah got a call from her “mom” saying scouts were at the house and wanting to talk to her. She left and it was just me and Eli there. Eli told me he had to get some things off his chest but he needed a shower.” By that time I felt the tears coming on. “He got out the shower and I asked him what he needed to get off his chest but he cut me off and kissed me ma. He kissed me and I let him.” I was crying my heart out. She hugged me, “ Baby that boy loves you and he always have. I knew this would happen sooner or later. It’s okay, you’ll be fine sweetie.” She lifted my chin and told me I needed to think things over before I married Kayden and make a mistake that I would regret later. She kissed my forehead and left. I laid back down and began to think. I didn’t know what to do or say. My phone was going off like crazy. I put it on silent and cried myself to sleep.

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