Getting over you

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Its been almost a month and I haven't talked to Kayden. I've been with Eli all day everyday. We've became closer and Eli is the best. I'm starting to wonder why I never dated him or thought about dating him. I still think about Kayden and I miss him a lot but like I always say "Everything happens for a reason." (my favorite quote) Eli knows when I start thinking about him cause he does anything in his power to cheer me up and make me forget about it. I don't know, I've been thinking about giving me and Eli a try but I'm not over Kayden yet. I know its gone take time but I'll get over him sooner or later. My heart aches every time I think about him. Any way enough sadness. I'm just glad Eli is there for me every step of the way. Proud to have a friend like him, besides Riah and Ava. Anyway, today Zay is coming to visit me and I'm so excited. I haven't seen my cousin since spring break. Plus Eli and I need time to ourselves to think about everything that's going on, even though he knows what he wants. When Zay gets here we're going to do everything, mostly shopping and playing basketball. I have to pick her up from the airport later. She came by herself this time so I guess that's a good thing. Zay was like another best friend/sister. We would talk for hours about any and everything. Lawd I miss my Zay poo.


I picked Zay up from the airport and took her out to eat. We talked and caught up. Her family and her have been thinking about getting out of Houston and coming to Atlanta with my family and I. "I would be so happy if y'all moved down here" I told her. "I would too. We'll be closer together and I wouldn't have to wait for a special occasion to see you" she said. I swear my cousin is like my little sister. She told me about this boy she meet at a party and she says she really like him. I started to tell her not to fall for him to quick cause she might get hurt in the end and I didn't want her to end up like me. When she told me that all I thought about was Kayden. Kayden and I met a party. Zay was going on and on about this dude she met, but I stopped listening to Zay and my thoughts began to take over.

Why did we have to end? Did he ever really love me like he say he did? I love him with all my heart and everything that we shared just went down the drain. I've always had my doubts about Kayden but I never let them ruin my relationship with him. I'm so hurt right now. I cant even think straight. I never thought we would end up like this. I always thought we would end like a fairy tale "happily ever after", but I guess I was wrong. I would be lien if I said I didn't miss him. I miss his kisses, his hugs, and they way he held me when we were together. I know it's going to be hard trying to get over him. Its been a month since I spoken to him. I think imma call him when I get home and see how he's doing.

"Shai...Shai...Shai I know you hear me talking to you" she yelled at me. "Oh I'm sorry boo, I was just thinking that's all" I told her. "What's wrong with you ma, you haven't been yourself since we left the airport" she asked. I looked at her not wanting to think about me and Kayden's break up, but I never keep anything from Zay. "Kayden and I.. um.. we broke up" I hesitated. She looked at me and walked to my side of the table and hugged me. At that moment I just broke down and cried. She held me until I finally got myself together to tell her everything that happened. Zay was very supportive. She told me the same thing Pops told me. "Follow your heart and everything will work out, I promise" she told me calming me down and trying to get me not to think about it so much. Zay and I finished catching up and drove to the house. My parents were excited to see her. They even treat her like she's their second daughter. My mom loves Zay. She's the one that planned Zay coming to stay with us for the summer. Zay took her bags to the guest room, showered and went to bed. I went to my room and sat on my bed debating if I wanted to call Kayden or not. I was nervous, hurt, mad, and depressed. I didn't know what to expect him to say when I called. I sighed and pushed all my emotions to the side and called him.


Him: Hello

Me: Hey Kayden, its Kayla. How are you?

Him: I'm good. How are you?

Me: I'm good I guess. Do you have time to talk ?

Him: Sure, what's up ?

Me: I just wanna talk about everything that happened. I'm confused at this point and to be honest I just want some closer.

Him: Look Kayla, it was never my intention to hurt you I promise. I love you and I wanted to make you my wife, but we were drifting apart. I found someone and I like her a lot. I still want us to be friends, if that's cool with you.

Me: Kayden I cant believe this right now. I was nothing but good to you. I don't deserve this. You had to be playing me if you already have someone that you like so much. You know what it doesn't even matter no more. I hope your happy and have a good life. Bye Kayden !

I hung the phone before he could even respond. I don't know what to think at this point. All I wanted was to be happy, but something always has to come and knock you down. I sat on the bed and began to think why this happened to me. What did I do to deserve this? My life was falling apart at this moment. My phone started to vibrate and it was a text from Eli.


Him: Hey ma, wyd?

Me: Nothing just thinking, wyd?

Him: Thinking about you, can you come over ?

Me: Not tonight I wanna be alone and plus Zay is here.

Him: Okay that's coo. What's on your mind boo?

Me: A lot ! I cant stop thinking about Kayden and everything that happened. What did I do to deserve this Eli ?

Him: You didn't do anything Shai. He's stupid for letting you go. Now I guess its time for me to step in and mend your broken heart, but only if you let me.

Me: Eli I don't know. I'm not completely over Kayden yet.

Him: I understand, but let me help you get over him Shai please. I'm not gone hurt you and you know that.

Me: I know Eli but....

Him: I'll give you time to think Shai. When you change your mind, let me know. I'm just a phone call away.

Me: Thanks Eli J

Him: Np ma. Goodnight I love you Shai

Me: I love you to Elijah goodnight :*

Him: Breakfast in the a.m?

Me: Sure Eli, but Zay is coming to

Him: That's fine. I have to get to know my "cousin in law" anyway

Me: Lol whatever punk

Him: Bye ma. Dream about me.

Eli was a character. I smiled at his messaged and put my phone on the night stand. I grabbed the remote from the foot of the bed and flipped through the channels. I flipped unitl I found Family Guy. I watched that until I fell asleep.





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