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prepare for this clusterfuck like seriously I have no idea what I was writing most of the time during this

Following Arlan's phone tracker, the 5 made it to Autumn street. "So we'll give you the signal, right?" Brock was talking to Panda and Scott over the phone. Panda was supposed to deliver the cops there and Scott was asked to stay back in general.

"Yup! Good luck," Panda hung up on his end and Brock lowered his phone, sighing. Brian put a hand around his shoulder, smiling at him in reassurance. Brock smiled back slightly.

Evan motioned everyone to hide into an alleyway as they ran to the dark corner. Somebody was outside of the warehouse.

Evan peaked. His eyes widened.

"Guys, it's Harley!"

"What!" Lui whisper-shouted. "I know," Evan sneered, ducking behind the corner again. "Should we take care of him or just sneak in?"

"I feel like we'd be sitting ducks if all of us went in there together, anyway. I'll stay behind. I have a bone to pick with Harley," Brock smirked. Brian sneered, "I'm with you."

"So you could make out and ignore the mission afterwards?" Lui teased.

"Like you and Marcel wouldn't do the same!" Brian snapped back, causing the other two to blush and Evan shake his head with an amused smile on his face.

"Alright, go!"

Brock nodded and took off, running behind the crate near the warehouse. Harley was looking at something else in the distance so he didn't notice.

Brian ran out from the cover as well, yelling, "Hey fucker!"

Harley looked at him and sneered, "Wow, only YOU came?"

"Why don't you come over here and find out!" Brian stopped near the crate, winking towards Brock, who became flustered, shooting a look back at Brian.

As Harley was basically lunging closer to Brian, Brock prepared himself.

"Whoa, you look like you're about to stumble right at my feet!" Brian grinned mischievously, making Harley let out a growl between his little pants. Brock cracked his knuckles.

He delivered the blow instantly when Brian stepped back once and Harley appeared into view. Harley stumbled back and fell, shouting curses. Brock laughed, "YES! You have been avenged, Cody! Well, sort of..."

The three still in cover now ran to the entrance, while Brian and Brock kept Harley busy.

Evan slid the heavy door open, as it made rough metal sounds. Marcel cringed and made weird faces as Lui snickered at him. The three grabbed their miniature flashlights, since it was pretty dark in there, and turned them on. "Green. Of course," Marcel commented the color of the empty interior.

They found a door leading downstairs fairly quickly. "Okay, signal." Evan spoke up

"We should call Brock then?" Lui whispered, taking out his phone.

"Sure..." Evan tip-toed downstairs, Marcel following while Lui stayed at the start of the stairway for reception He dialed Brock.

In a few moments, he answered, "Yup!"




"Um....shit, Brian let's- AAH!"

"Wha..." Lui blinked rapidly.

"We have more company!" Brock hung up just like that.

"Shhhiiiiittt!" Lui ran downstairs. He looked around the hallway, finding his friends on the right. He ran to them quickly, "They got backup! Brock and Brian are in trouble."

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