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I was sick and depressed. And busy with school shit.

Writer's block has hit me like a bitch ever since the school routine kicked in fully, I'm sorry.

But enjoy this half-assed chapter.

Craig and Tyler spent the whole day together, leaving Scott and Anthony to fangirl over their antics since they were in Scott's place. Anthony tagged along with Scott since they had a dual project.

In a mere moment all of Craig's troubles were gone. He had never felt this fulfilled from his life, ever. It's like Tyler was his final missing piece.

Tyler was also ecstatic. He ever felt a bit shy now that he had the one he loved to be his. He had to be careful not to come on too strong at first, in fear of driving Craig away.

He had gone through so much shit this school year it was ridiculous. And yes, everyone was there to help him out of it, but in the end he had to deal with all of it himself and that's tough.

Oh damn.

Now Tyler knew how Delirious had probably felt this whole time.

"BISH I WIN!" Craig shouted in victory while Tyler simply dropped his controller in his lap with his jaw wide open.

"What the fu...where the fuck did you come from?! At that last moment, just..." Tyler lowered his head and hid his face in his hands, letting out a groan. Craig giggled and nudged him, "You're such a sore loser, I swear to Christ."

"Trust me, I know," Tyler mumbled into his hands and then regained his composure as he looked at Craig grinning at him.

"Best 5 out of 7?" Craig asked. Tyler shook his head, "Nah, I'm done. South Park should start on Adult Swim about this time."

"Oooo," Craig dragged on as he practically jumped off the sofa and crawled to the game console to shut it off. He also took the CD out. Tyler grabbed the TV remote and flipped screens for satellite. He flipped through the channels and by the time he had found Adult Swim, Craig was already adjusted back on the couch next to him.

Tyler checked the guide. "10 minutes."

"Let's go bug Scott and Anthony!" Craig grinned, and Tyler instantly grinned back.

At this point, those two deserved what they were gonna get, for being nosy and just unhelpful in the most annoying way possible.

The two sneaked away from the living room and turned left at the hallway that connected everything on the first floor.

Scott had a Battlefield 1 poster on the outside of his door. The door was ajar slightly.

Tyler brought his index finger on his lips, indicating to stay quiet. Craig nodded in response and slowly grabbed the side of the door.

He also took his long-ass time opening it more.

Tyler raised an eyebrow as Craig wicked grin faded for a moment, before replacing with a surprised smile. "Yo, I knew it."

"What?" Tyler whispered back and looked through the doorway. He also felt the smile forming on his face as he saw the scene.

Scott and Anthony were on Scott's bed, textbooks around them loosely, their probably almost finished research paper scattered on the floor. And the two males themselves were sucking face.

Craig pulled the door back into it's original ajar way and the two walked away with bemused demeanours.

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