This was a bad idea

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Eric smirked, looking at Evan at the front hallway struggling to take off his shoes that his friends literally went out the way to tighten. The shoelaces. It was hard putting them on without untying the laces and it was a pain to take off. Fuck them.

"Hey, Evan."


"What do you think about spending Christmas with Charlotte and Jonathan?"

Evan stumbled and stood up straight, both shoes still on, fuck them, seriously. "Uh..." he stammered for a little while. "Wouldn't it be awkward? And...moving too fast? I don't want to impose anything on Jon..."

"You're going to be living with them."


Eric's smirk stayed the same, even as he walked away back into the living room, "Alright, I'll consider."

"Consider your mental health because that idea is unreasonable," Evan grunted as he got his left sneaker off.


"Jonathaaan~!" Charlotte sung as Jonathan turned his head towards her in the kitchen area, sitting on the couch watching 'American Horror Story'.

"Whaaat~?" he sang back the same way.

"How about we celebrate Christmas with Evan and his father!"

Jonathan blinked, and felt the blood pooling into his head instantly. "Hell no~ to the no no no~!" he sang loudly and Charlotte giggled.

"And my opinion doesn't really matter, does it?"

"NOPE! Think about it this way... you can give Evan a cute present!"

"We're already doing a secret santa thingy among all of us and guess whose name I pulled out from the hat. Evan's! It's like karma or something."

"It's destiny~," Charlotte sang and Jonathan grabbed one of the couch pillow, stuffed his face into it and let out a mighty groan.


-21st December, last day of school-

"So...Brian's place is still the spot, right?" Lui asked. Brian nodded as he was seated right across the table from him. "Why you asking?" Tyler questioned.

"I...have a thing to do this afternoon and I wanted to make sure."

"Aaaaaaaaa Codyyyyyy!" Arlan added. Cody's plane was already landing this evening at 10 pm.

"Yeah, I can't believe he got off from school 3 days before us, the lucky bastard," Nogla huffed and Evan smiled at his grumpiness.

"That thing doesn't have anything to do with Marcel, does it?" Craig asked innocently, but triggered the emotions with a blink of an eye. Marcel froze in his seat, straightening his back and clearing his throat, "Why would you think that?"

"Because you've looked anxious all day long," Craig blinked and was now genuinely curious.

"Yeah, I thought we weren't gonna have any secrets? Anymore?" Brock said.

"I, for one, do NOT want to be confused for a single moment ever in my life again," Jonathan muttered and Evan snickered next to him, earning an elbow to the side.

"You don't have to worry about it, guys," Lui smirked. "It's kinda personal wink wink."

The table grew silent, until Tyler went, "Ew. Please tell me it's not what I'm thinking."

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