Chapter 44: Beating Booty and a Boyfriend?

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Taylor ran over to me and picked me up. "What happened??" he asked me. "My dad h-hallway b-b-beat me." I said and Shawn and Cameron ran out the door.

I was sitting on Luke's lap. "What happened Sam?" He asked and I got pissed. "I'll tell you in a sec." I said and got up and walked out the door.

I saw Shawn and Cameron holding my dad against the lockers. I walked to them and my dad smirked. "Guys go in the room." I said and they looked worried.

"But Sam-." they started to say but I cut them off. "Go." I said and they nodded.
"Okay what the fuck are you doing here!?" I yelled at him once the guys walked in the room.

"I just wanted to get a good fuck." he said and I punched him in the nose. "Fuck off you stupid bitch!! Get out of my life im so tired of being afraid of you!" I yelled at him and punched him once again.

"Now it's your turn to be afraid of me!" I yelled and he pushed me against the wall and punched me in the nose. I went all donkey kong on his ass I punched him in the head face and kicked him every where else.

Finally I punched him one last time and he passed out. My adrenaline was pumping so much. I didn't even know my nose was bleeding.

I walked in the room and everyone looked at me in shock, especially Luke and his "crew" which i call them. Cameron ran out the door and so did Tay and Shawn.

Sammy came up to me and handed me a tissue. "Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. "Yep." I said and smiled at him. I walked over to Luke and the boys. He looked very shocked.

"Damn are you okay??" Michael asked and I nodded. "What happened??" Ashton asked. "Um I beat the shit outta my ex dad." I said. "Fuck. Well Luke you got yourself a keeper." Calum said and I laughed.

Luke got up and hugged me. We pulled away and kissed. The guys walked in and we pulled apart. I looked at Shawn and he looked at Luke then back to me. He looked really hurt. He walked out of the room without a word.

Damn it Shawn. I thought to myself and ran out of the room. I walked out of the room and Shawn was sitting against the lockers.. crying?

"Shawn..?" I asked and he looked at me. "How do you live your life everyday so happy when I cry everyday cause I miss you so much." He said and I almost cried.

"Shawn i cry myself to sleep every night." I said and he looked up at me.
"I want you back so bad Shawn." I said and he got up and hugged me.

"But what about Luke?" he asked. "Luke told me to do all that stuff with him to make you jealous." I said and he smiled. "Well I'm glad you did. Will you take me back Samantha?" He asked and I smiled and kissed him.

We walked back into the classroom and Luke smirked at me when he saw me and Shawn holding hands. Britney scoffed when she saw to. I turned to her time to set a bitch straight.

"Okay what's your problem with me?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "Okay bitch I'm not playing with you anymore what. is. your. problem?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"Just leave me alone!" she said and Bethany came over to us. "Bethers it's okay I got this." I said and she laughed a little and nodded.

"We can go somewhere else and talk we don't have to talk in front of everyone." I said and she nodded. {Anyone know where that sentence is from??}

We walked out of the class room and she started crying. "It's just that your so fucking perfect and I have all this."
She said and took of her jacket.

"Oh my god." I said as I saw all the cuts and scars on both arms. "W-why would you do that?" I asked and she hugged me. "Because I'm alone." she said and it broke my heart to hear that.

"Your not alone. You could've came to me on the first day of school and I could've helped." i said as she pulled away. "I know I was just mad that your so perfect." she said.

"I'm not perfect. I have scars to." I said and showed her. She gasped and hugged me. "Happy 18th." I said and she looked at me and smiled. "How'd you know?" she asked.

"Cameron told me." I said and her eyes widened and she blushed. "Oh my god really??" she asked and I smiled and nodded.

"You have a thing for my dad don't you?" I asked and she nodded. "If only he felt the same way." she said and I smirked. "Oh he does." I said and she looked like she was about to scream. "No way!" she said and I nodded.

"So if i went in there and kissed him he would kiss back and not be disgusted?" she asked and I nodded. She ran inside the room and I followed her.

Cam looked at her and she ran into his arms and kissed him. They had a very romantic kiss and it was so cute.

"What happened out their baby?" Luke asked me as he walked over to me. "A lot of stuff." I said and laughed a little.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." i said to myself .

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