Seven Heavenly Minutes

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Nepeta took off her hat and everyone placed something into her hat.

":33 < *ac says* your draw first!" you giggle and draw pulling out a little bee plushie.

"Would you be so kind and escort me to the closet Mr. Captor?"

"iid be happy two." Once in the closet Sollux pushes you up against the wall and hitting your cuts from earlier that morning. You let out a small yelp. "_____ did ii hurt you?"

"No, I-I'm fine," you say trying to reassure him. "It's nothing."

"Nothing ii2 2omething." he retorts while pulling up your sleeve and running hand on your bleeding arm causing you to cringe. "ii2 that blood? What diid you do?" salty tears run down your cheeks.

"I-" your cut off as he kisses you softly.

" _____ plea2e don't hurt your2elf. ii thiink you're beautiiful." Sollux took you in his arms and held you until the time was up.

The next two to go in we're Gamzee and Tavros, one of your OTP's. after a little while you hear Tavros yelp. You giggle as you imagine what those two were doing.

After two more couples go in it was Eridan's turn. He stuck his hand in the kitty hat and pulled out a bracelet with the letters PTV on it. Jegus.

"Wwell lets get this showw on the road." Eridan got up and grabbed your wrist to pull you up. As soon as his hand clenched your wrist you gasped screaming in your head. He gave you a weird look but continued to pull you into the closet. "So _____ wwhat do you wwant me to do to you?"

"u-uhm. I-" you were interrupted by his lips crashing into yours. Gog do all trolls do this? He wrapped his surprisingly muscular arms around your waist and pulled you close. you put one arm around his neck and one on his cheek. Eridan tipped his head to deepen the kiss.

"TIMES UP JACKASSES" Karkat shouted from outside of the closet. You and Eridan break the kiss and leave the closet together.

"dr8w." Vriska demanded. you did as she said and pulled out read cat eye glasses. Terezi.

"Let's go Terezi. Into the closet."

"Y3s, you sm3ll good." you giggle at her remark. You get into the closet and hear the lock click. "W3ll wh4t 4r3 w3 going to do?"

"I don't know. We could talk if you want."

"C4n I sm3ll you?"


"h3h3h3. You sm3ll lik3 r3d 4ppl3s" for the rest of the time Terezi sat there smelling you. It was her turn when you two came out of the closet. She pulled out I little crab sculpture. Oooh we got some Karezi. Karkat blushed and pulled Terezi in the closet.

You sat by Sollux most of the game. For some reason he was staring blankly at you. You decided to leave him alone. Karkat and Terezi came out of the closet.

"D--> you're up ne%t to draw" Equius says to Karkat. Karkat Draws and picks you.


"Swiggity Swoset get into the closet."

"NOPE. HELL NO. NOT AFTER YOU SAID THAT." Karkat yells. Equius pick up Karkat and shoves him into the closet and on top of you.

"Gogdamn, do you eat rocks?"




"idun-" Karkat interrupted by pulling you close and kissing you on the lips. I guess all trolls interupt your sentences to kiss you. The kiss was surprisingly soft. Karkat began to run his hands up your back. You take one of your hands and place it on his nubby horn and begin to rub. A slight pur emits from his throat. You break the kiss. He wipes off the string of saliva that still connects your lips to his. Even in the dark of the closet you can see his candy red blush. How cute.


"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

"OK" Time was up and you left the closet. You took your place next to Sollux as Karkat brought you the hat to choose from. You closed your eyes and pulled out a small square object. You look at it closer. It's a little Pupa Pan book. Tavros.

"Well." You see the rust blooded troll blush and stand. You both get into the closet and wait for the lock to click.

"m-MAY I uH,, kISS YOU?"

"Tavros you don't have to ask for permission. Do what the heart wants."


"Well I guess so." Tavros leaned in and gently kissed you lips. "See that wasn't so bad". The rest of the time in the closet was spent talking.

"uH,, _____ I'm excited to see you sing."

"You are? I'm not that good really."

"oH DON'T SAY THAT. i BET YOU'RE THE BEST." you giggle and the closet door opens. You sit back with Sollux and check your phone.

"Shit. We should have left 10 minutes ago." you run to the doorway and nearly trip over the broken door. "Remind me to move this when we get back."

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