Lip Bites and Nose Kisses

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<><><>-<>DAVE'S POV<>-<><><>

I woke up with a throbbing head. I look over to see _____ snuggled into my arms. She was so beautiful. My heart longed for her to be mine.

I know this can't happen though. What if I hurt her? Or make her hurt herself? She's already upset because of the whole Sollux and Eridan thing, I don't want to make her even more confused.

Suddenly _____'s eyelids fluttered open and she yawned.

Smirking I said, "good morning Princess."

"Call me princess all you want but just know I can still kick your ass Strider." She said with a fierce glare.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her button nose. She blushed a deep pink and bit her bottom lip. Gog she's beautiful.

"gog you're beautiful." I said thinking aloud.

"Wha-I-uh." she said looking shocked.

"sorry" I said feeling my face heat up and turn red.

"It's fine." she said avoiding my eyes.

<><><>-<READERS POV>-<><><>

"It's fine." You say to a blushing Strider.

You climb out of bed and stretch. Blushing you realize you're only in a hoodie and underwear.

"Oh my Gog! You 2lut!" you heard a familiar speech troubled troll lisp out.

Turning you see Sollux Captor in the doorway.

"Wha-" you try to speak but are cut off.

"You and 2triider?! Really!" He yelled at you.

"No. Sollux nothi-" You are stopped short again.

"ii can't beliieve you two! You haven't known eachother for more than a day! ii really liiked you _____!!"

"Gogdammit Sollux will you shuttup?!" you finally yell. "Nothing happened between me and Dave."

"ii knew iit. You're ju2t a 2lut that'2 going to try two have her way wiith everyone. Well let me tell you here, iit2 not goiing to happen." the troll said walking out.

You let yourself fall to the ground with a sigh.

"I just want to go home. This sucks."

"im gonna go" Dave said getting out of the bed and walking out.


AN: Okay so sorry for the long wait. I've been going through some major writer's block. And when I did come up with an idea I went camping for the weekend in Bernie Falls, which has no reception, and I ended up loosing the idea. Buuuuut anyways here's what I was able to scrap together. Hopefully ill update again tomorrow:33

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