Forest Exhales Green

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You knew exactly where you were going now. You pulled off the main road onto a dirt track. You kept driving until you reached an over hang. You parked the truck then put your face in your hands.

You completely lost it crying. Your stress was already high enough and now so was your anxiety.

Bad thoughts started to enter your mind. Thoughts you didn't want to have anymore.

"No," you said aloud, "nonononono. Dont fucking touch the razors." You had lost all self control at this point shooting out your hand and opening the glove box.

"NONONONONONO!" You practically screamed. Your hand reached for a smoothe grey glasses case.

"Please don't. You've been doing so good. Don't take out the razors please." You begged yourself.

Against your will your hands opened the case revealing three razor blades. Your right hand pulls out a carpenters blade. You stare at your reflection on it mesmerized. You roll up your sleeves then slowly bringing down onto your pale skin. Your right hand quickly glides it over your skin. It takes a moment but the crimson blood rises to the surface and beads up. "like little red pearls." you say out loud.

You bring it down again and again feeling the endorphins being released in your brain giving you some sort of morbid high. This time you bring the blade down harder and cut deeper. Blood comes up and spills over. You look at it spellbound. "little red pearls." You repeat.

Suddenly snapping out of your stupor you take the blood rag out of the glove box and proceed to clean yourself up.

You return the blades to their case and the case to the glove box. You start the truck and begin to drive back the way you came. Hopefully the trolls had cooled off by now.

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