Wakey Wakey Eggs and Baccy

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You're face is warned by the rising sun and your eyelids flutter open. You sit up in bed and stretch popping your joints to wake you up. You turn and look at the sleeping Eridan. He's so adorable when he's sleeping. You get up carefully trying not to wake him. You walk down the stairs and out the door. You see Equius standing outside watching the rising sun.

"Hello Mr. Zahhak" you say walking up to him.

"D--> Hello _____."

"Would you mind helping me with something?" you inquire.

"D--> Well how could a strong b100 b100d like me refuse to help such a beautiful creature?" He smiled his broken toothed smile at you.

A heavy pink plush filled your cheeks as you walked around the old building to get an axe. The house was surrounded by old fruit trees. Lucky for you they were still producing fruit. You walk up to a fine looking apple tree and take a swing at it. Then another and another until the tree falls.

"We need to take the apples then chop the wood." You say as you begin gathering the red apples from the fallen tree.

After all of the apples are collected you hand Equius the axe. "I have to go somewhere," you say pointing in the direction of you're uncles farm," is Tavros awake? I need his help."

"D--> the low b1ood is not awake." Equius stated.

You walk inside the old house and search for the room Tavros and Gamzee were sharing. You walk over to the shared bed and shake Tav awake.

"Hey Tavros. Tav I need your help with something. Get up." The rust colored trolls eyelids flutter but he does not awaken. Shaking him you say, "Tavros you gotta get up buddy. There's things we need to do. I need your help. Come on." This time he sits up in bed.

He mumbles, "wHA?,,"

"Come on buddy I need your help."

"wiTH WHAT?,"

"Well we have about a 7 mile walk to get fresh food. And I need your help to get it."


You and Tavros left the house and Started off toward your uncle Ernie's Farm.

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