Back Against The Grass

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You and Eridan were laying on the grass looking at the stars.

Eridan sat up. "I feel like I'm bein to forward wwith this but, _____ I think you're the most beautiful thing in the univverse. Im not asking you to be my matesprite or anything. I just wwant to make sure you knoww howw captivvatin you really are. I knoww you don't think of yourself as anywwhere close to pretty, but you're wway more than that. And you should be told evvery second of evvery day."

The moonlight illuminated his face making his deep violet blush prominent. He leaned in towards you and putting a hand on your cheek. You tilted your head and he pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was indescribable. Even if it only lasted a minute or so.

You to pulled apart and laid back down into the grass. Eridan found your hand and held it. You felt your face heat up and knew there was a Candy Apple Red blush spread across your cheeks.

You heard a twig snap behind you and you shot up. Turning around you saw the Blue and Red eyes or Sollux Captor.

"What are you guy2 doiing out here so late?" he questioned.

"Uh we were ju-" You began but got cut off by Eridan.

"Nofin'. Wwhat are you doin out here Sol?" Eridan retorted.

"Couldn't 2leep. We have a biig day tomorrow. _____ gets to meet the other human2 who are back on Alterniia." Sollux said.

"Wait, like John, Jake, Jade, Jane, Dirk, Dave, Rose, and Roxy?" you ask excited.

"Wwell yeah, wwho else?"

You almost squeal in excitement. You've only dreamed about meeting the kids. Well that was the same for the trolls but here they are, kissing you, cuddling with you, holding your hand and such. You were suddenly extremely tired.

"I guess you're right Sollux, big day. We should probably head back inside and get some sleep." The three of you get up and start walking towards the house.

What an adventure.

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