Chapter 18

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Hannah's P.O.V.

     "I'm not sorry at all." I heard Calum say after me and Caitlynn were done apologizing. Apparently everyone heard that or he said it loud enough because everyone came running over with any expressions on their faces. Caitlynn had this upsetting look on her face.

    "W-, I-," She said trying to say something but she couldn't even make complete words.

   "Cal, why would you even say that? Why are you not sorry? Caitlynn didn't even really do anything wrong and she apologized." I said to him with anger in my voice.

   "Did nothing wrong?! You're shitting me right? She yelled at us. Ran away, taking Luke with her. Probably bribing him, and you're telling me she did nothing wrong?!" Calum yelled back at me. Great a fight was coming. That's just what we all needed right now. Another fight.

   "Hannah, just walk away. Didn't say anything" Maria spoke softly walking up to me. I should walk away because I knew I was going to blow up, but my feet and legs would not let me move at all. I just kept my mouth shut and glared at him as he glared right back at me. I ended up walking away after a couple minutes of just glaring at him. Luke ended up taking Caitlynn on a walk to calm her down, Maria and Michael were standing by the cars to make sure Calum or I did anything we would regret later on, and Ashton and Kelli disappeared a long time ago. I don'y even remember them saying where they were going. All i know is that they left.

   I decided to call Caitlynn to see hoe she was doing and to see if she was okay

   H- "Hey. How are you doing? Calmed down?"

   C- "Yeah a lot actually. Pretty calm. We just want on a walk through the woods and found a trail that lead to this hidden lake. It's super pretty. You should come see it"

   H- "I would if I knew were it was hun ha. Can you come and get me. Luke too. I don't really want to be near Calum right now. I need to relax a little and get away."

   C- "Yeah I'll Be right up. Just me so we can talk."

   H- " Awesome thanks"

   As soon i got off the phone I saw Calum walking towards me. That's when I ran into the woods without turning back.

A/N: HEEYYYY! Short chapter i know. It was killing me not updating though. School has had me so busy this is one of the very few days I didn't have homeowork. Also sorry for any misspellings, my computer doesnt have spell check and yeah. BUT PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT ON THIS I WILL BUY YOU PIZZA! I ALSO WENT TO JINGLE BALL BTWS. ON ANOTHER NOTE STAY BEAUTOFUL LOVLIES!

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