Surprise Visit!!

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Hey guys for the next update I need 400 new votes and 25 new followers on twitter my username is analabrador65 Tell me what you think... Enjoy 

Gabi's P.O.V 

I can't believe it... Nash got Liam Payne to come talk to me about heart break he's so sweet I'm glad he is my brother no one could make my life any better. As Liam and I were talking he asked me for my number. " Oh um hand me your phone i'll put it in" I replied 

"Thanks, I know we just met but maybe you'd like to meet up for coffee sometime, the boys and I are in town for another week?" Liam asked. 

" I would love that." I answered. 

For the rest of the night Liam and I walked around town we talked and got some ice cream. I got to know him as more than just a pop star I got to know the real Liam. When we got to my house I invited him to the house little knowing who was waiting on the couch for me... 

I know its short but hey maybe a double update coming... 

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