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Hey guys I am back, sorry for the wait I hope it is worth it, for the next chapter I need 25 Likes and 10 comments. Give me some Ideas and maybe I will use yours for the story. Enjoy.
Liam POV
    I know this seems like a bad idea and it probably is but I figured that if I couldn't let her go then I could at least try and move on from her and that is what tonight is all about. I have a date with Sophie. Yes as in Sophie the girl who cheated on me and broke my heart. Niall and the guys have been helping me get ready for the past two hours. All though Niall is pestering me about something else I feel.
    "Are you sure about this date, I know you were really hung up on that girl from Cali?" He asked me.
"Yes I am sure, and anyways she probably has a boyfriend or something by now, I kinda screwed that one up." I replied.
    "Okay then, so I know how we are always super honest with each other so I want to tell you something." He said
"Alright what's up?" I asked him
    "Okay well you remember the girl we say in the London Eye about a week ago?" He asked me.
I     stiffened at the thought of what he was about to say. Of course I remembered her she was the girl I was trying to forget but he didn't know that. "Yes I remember why?" I replied
    "Well I found her on twitter and we started talking, I really like her, her and her friends are in town till Saturday so I am hoping to go on a date with her before they leave. What do you think?" He told me
I     was freaking out he liked the girl I liked and honestly he had a right to I mean I treated her so badly and if she wants to be with him they I will just have to suck it up I guess. "That's great Niall you guys would be so cute together." I told him
    "Thanks Liam, alright good luck tonight don't force anything, because if its meant to be it'll come naturally," he said and with that he left out the door.
    He's right though anything that is supposed to happen comes naturally, this right here I am forcing but its okay.. because I refuse to come in between Niall and Gabi I had my chance now it his, I won't let him mess this up.

Gabi POV
One week, it's been one week since I ran into Niall and Liam at the London Eye. Liam never called or texted, but Niall found me on twitter and we have been talking ever since. He is really sweet and I doubt Liam told him anything about him and I talking, but he also isn't Liam. I should probably also mention that I haven't left my hotel room. I can tell Nash and the boys are starting to get worried about me.  I just I don't want to go out anymore if I run into him again I don't think I will be able to control my thoughts. I want to just shout from the top of my lungs how much he hurt me and how much I wish I never met him but that just shows to much weakness. Nash shares a room with me and at some point, I will have to come out of the bathroom, time to face the boys. I am hoping I can just move on from Liam.
"Gabi! Are you okay? What is going on? Why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?" All the boys screamed at me at once.

"I am fine guys don't worry, I just needed a break from everybody but everything will be okay. I just wanna get some fresh air if you guys don't mind." I replied.

"Gabi, I don't think that is the best idea. maybe you and I could go for a walk and just talk about everything. Please, I'm your best friend, I wanna know what is going on." Cameron told me.

"Fine, just give me a chance to get ready I will meet you in the lobby in 10 minutes," I answered.

"Okay if you aren't down in ten I am going to come get you." He responded.

With all that being said the boys left and I went into the bathroom to start taking a shower. After washing my hair and getting all cleaned up, I decided to put my hair in an Elsa braid and put on some leggings and a cheer hoodie, with a little mascara and with that I went on my way to meet Cameron in the lobby. I don't know what I am going to tell him but I guess I could start with the happy part of last week.
"Gabi talk to me, what happened last week," Cameron asked me.
"Well, lets start with the happy part of last week, I have been talking to Niall Horan for the past 7 days and he is really honest and kind and sweet, but he's not Liam," I replied.
"That's great Gabi but what is the sad part?" He asked.
"When I went to the London Eye, I ran into Niall and Liam and he just stiffened at my voice and ran off with Niall didn't say a word to me at all. He wouldn't even look at me," I finally let out.
His face said it all Cameron was ready to go beat the hell out of Liam, but he was holding back because he knows I wouldn't want that to happen to him. I know that Liam is going on a date with Sophia tonight and its hard that he was able to move on so quickly like that but then again the connection I thought we had was all in my head.
*Phone Ringing*
G: Hello
N: Hey Gabi, do you have time to talk
Looking at Cameron knowing he was to mad to continue with any conversation I decided to speak to Niall.
G: Of course Niall, Whats Up?
N: Well, I was wondering if you are free tonight if you would like to go on a date with me?
A date with Niall, maybe I should try and move on, Liam sure already has.
G: I would like that, what did you have in mind?
N: Thats a surprise for tonight. I'll pick you up at your hotel at 8.
G: Alright, talk to you later.
I guess I better go get ready for my date with Niall, I have about two hours to pick out an outfit and none of the girls are here with me. I am screwed.

No Cliffhanger this time you are welcome kinda lol
Please comment Ideas you have for this story, maybe yours will be used.

Till Next time






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