Calculations (tony stark x platonic!reader)

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Warnings: slight swearing
all platonic
Prompt: "I just did some calculations, and I've been able to determine that you're full of shit."

[gif not mine]

"Y/N!" Tony called, bursting with pride

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"Y/N!" Tony called, bursting with pride.
"What?" Y/N said with equal enthusiasm.
"I've figured it out." he replied, barely refraining himself from jumping up and down.
"What?" she said, picking at her lunch.
"You have to come over here." She rolled her eyes.
"I swear to god, Tony if this isn't something life changing," she deadpanned, "I'm gonna strangle you." She got up from her seat by the window over towards Tony standing in front of a glowing hologram.
"Okay, here it is, and I know you probably won't get it, but it's gonna be great. It's going to help so many people, well, okay maybe not many people, but at least some and-" he rambled.
"Tony!" she screeched to get his attention. "What the hell is it? And for god's sake, speak English please."
Tony scoffed. "Me? Never speaking English? What? Do you think I'm speaking German?" She rolled her eyes again, and motioned for him to continue. "Yeah, yeah. Got it. Keeping it short. This," he pointed to the hologram. "is powered similarly to my arc reactor." he said, pointing to his chest, the object glowing blue through his shirt.
"Okay? And what does it do?" she said, ruffling her eyebrows.
"It does many things, Y/N. And I've calculated that using the same energy from the reactor can power much more than it already does."
"I thought you already did that?" she said, baffled.
"Well, this is an upgrade. It can source more than just the tower and my little projects, like JARVIS and Dum-E." She nodded her head.
"And I too, just did some calculations," she said, her eyes lighting up. Tony raised an eyebrow but didn't stop her. "And I've been able to determine that you're full of shit." she smirked, sauntering back to her spot by the window.
"Okay, no more telling of scientific achievements whatsoever with you." Tony scoffed. Y/N chuckled, glancing back at Tony.
"I'm still gonna strangle you."

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