Miss You (avengers x OC)

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Warnings: mentions of past death, blaming oneself, mentions of preconceived notions of civil war
Characters: OC: Victoria Hathaway, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Clint Barton & Bruce Banner
Pairings: past steve x oc
Prompt: Day 6:What someone else would put on your tombstone? #ctuwritingprompt
A/N: I usually don't do oc's, but this prompt felt that it was necessary. so I used one of my favorite oc's that I'm considering writing more work for... thanks for reading! (also Here's a Lift pt 2 is a PAIN to write. sorry for the wait.)

It was sunny, as the sun's rays shining down the team dressed in black. It's been five years. They thought the pain would eventually subside, but it never did.

Victoria Elizabeth Rose Hathaway
Best friend. Lover. "Mother Teresa" figurehead.
Teammate. Agent. Partner.
"It doesn't matter what happens now.
Look to the future. It's full of potential."

"It never goes." Nat said, standing next to Tony. That day had been filled with confusion and anger. Victoria happened to be in the crossfire of Nat and Clint, and someone (later found out as one of Zemo's henchmen) had shot her. Five times. She sank to her knees, trying to hold herself together, trying to stay alive. For Steve. For her current and former team. And she did, until all of Zemo's men were taken care of, she started slipping.
"Steve, I can't-"
"C'mon doll, the fight's over. We just need to make it to a hospital." The team soon had realized Steve's efforts were proven useless. There was no way. The nearest hospital was miles away. And the only mode of transportation available was a jeep.
"Steve, Buck, everyone," she had said, her voice growing stronger as her body was slipping, "take care of each other. You need each other more than ever. Find Banner, and keep constantly communicating with one another. This fight was not the last. You know that. Even if all of you don't stay avengers or even become agents, stay together." Even in her dying times, Victoria Hathaway fell into her previous SHIELD and current Avengers role, their psychologist, their best, closest friend. "I love you guys. You're the best things that's ever happened in my life." And she was gone.
"No, it never does." Tony finally said, sighing quietly. The pain stung. But they kept true to Victoria's dying wish, for their relationships with one another. Communication.
"Victoria," Steve stuttered, stepping forward and facing her tombstone. "God, I miss you. It's not the same-" he cut off, unable to continue.
"-without you. It will never be." Bucky continued. "But we try. Everyday. We try to move on, like you wanted us to do. To move on, but not forget." Tears streamed down his face. Bucky blamed himself for her death, that she would've never been in that situation because of him. She automatically trusted him once she met him. She forgave him of all his past actions, brainwashed or not. But because of him, his best friend lost his soulmate. His life partner that he was meant to marry some day.
"Bucky's moved up to a level seven." Nat said, wiping a stray tear. Even in her death, she still served as their counselor, their beloved psychologist. Their listening ear.
"We miss you. We'll always do." Tony finally said, walking back to the car. The rest of the team said their words before walking away. The pain would never really go away. At this point, they would have to learn to live with it. Live without her.

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