A Picture in Time (steve x reader x bucky)

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Warnings: flashback?, fluff, slight polyamory
Characters: Reader, pre-war!Steve Rogers, pre-war!Bucky Barnes, & OC's (reader's relatives)
Pairings: slight steve x reader x bucky
Prompt: Day 2: A childhood memory #ctuwritingprompt
A/N: specific idea driven because I'm sick w/ the flu. UGHHH. Also, here's something while I finish up Here's a Lift part 2!
YN/N: your nickname, Y/L/N: your last name

It was a cold day, the wind whistling in the air. Y/N was snuggled up in a mountain of blankets, used tissues scattered aimlessly.

"I really hate being sick." She muttered, adjusting her laptop to sit on its own on her outstretched legs. When she saw her wallpaper on the laptop, she faintly grinned, remembering a past memory. It was a picture of her, Bucky, and Steve, all grinning in the most outlandish Christmas sweaters in front of her childhood home's fireplace. It was warm, like a hazy sunlight, family all around, the lights from the tree glowing.

"I wonder what this could be.." Steve said with a grin, unwrapping his present from Y/N's mother. Y/N's mother laughed loudly, her eyes forming into curved lines.

"Oh Steven, you do know how to make a woman smile." She replied. Steve blushed, glancing briefly at Y/N before continuing to open the gift. Y/N grinned, pink dusting her cheeks. Steve didn't think she saw the glance, but she did.

"O-oh, it's. Well, ma'am, it's, uh-" he stuttered, tugging out the familiar eccentric colored sweater. It was always a tradition for Mrs. Y/L/N to knit a sweater for Bucky, Steve and Y/N. It was like a similar tradition to Molly Weasley's act of kindness towards her children, Harry, and Hermione.

"It's a tradition." Bucky said, also opening his gift from Mrs. Y/L/N. Y/N already opened hers; it was always the first thing she opened on Christmas morning. Then she would throw it over her clothes, which her dress that she'd be wearing, the skirt would stick out, the red skirt with the multicolored sweater. A classic look that she adopted every christmas.

"DUH, or why else would we still be gettin' them?" Y/N interjected. All the parents laughed at her comment, while Steve and Bucky slipped on the sweaters.

"Oh! Y'all look adorable!" Y/N's grandmother said, motioning them to sit next to each other. "Now, lemme see, where did I put that camera? Robert, darling, where did I put the thing?" Steve and Bucky settled next to Y/N on each side of her, flopping in the sweaters.

"It's right here, love. Where you always put it." Y/N's grandfather replied, muttering the last part. Elizabeth reached for the camera, shoving her husband while doing so.

"Oh Robert, stop embarassin' me in fronta them kids!" Robert chuckled at his wife's mirth. "Now, y'all sit nice and comfy." Y/N shifted herself, swinging her arms around Steve and Bucky. "There you go, YN/N." she said, snapping a photo with a big flash. Then Y/N leaned over and pecked Steve and Bucky's cheeks, prompting pink-tinged cheeks from the two.

"I love you two dopes." She sighed, relaxing after her grandmother handed the camera back to her husband.

"I love ya too YN/N. You too Stevie." Bucky replied, resting his head on Y/N's shoulder. Steve sighed, laying on her lap.

"I love you guys." He whispered, smiling brightly up at the two.

"We love ya' too, Stevie." Y/N whispered.

The memory was one where she promised herself to never forget, one that she would remember in her old age.

"What old age?" She scoffed to herself. Years later, she found out that she had abilities passed down from her parents. Abilities that would grant her immortality essentially. Thank god for the serums though, Steve and Bucky continued to live on, past all their battles, both way back when and recent. It would always be the three of them against the world.

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