Spiders (avengers x reader)

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Warnings: spiders?, not-so-tough people?, some swearing
all platonic relationships
Prompt: based on this interview of chris evans and spiders.. (http://romanoff.tumblr.com/post/143435399426/i-read-that-you-hate-spiders) and my encounter with one a couple weeks ago
A/N: *previously in my life* fucking spider. I wasted about seven minutes this morning trying to kill it. And by trying to kill it, I mean spraying cleaning supplies at it at a distance. urrrrg, I hate them.

"Steveee!" Y/N squeaked. Steve glanced over at her, and she was standing on her tiptoes, pointing at something.
"What is it-" he said, before seeing what it was. An unintelligible sound came out of his mouth, as the said creature started to move.
"EEEEE!!" they both screeched, running out of the common room into the kitchen.
"Steve," Y/N panted, "you're scared of them too?" He nodded, panting as well. They both nearly jumped when Natasha walked in.
"You two look scared shitless." she deadpanned, moving to make her lunch.
"There was a. Thing." Y/N said, with terror on her face. "Can you kill it? Since ya know, you're a fellow spider?" Nat burst out laughing.
"It's not funny! Those things are fucking ninjas!" Steve burst out.
"What is it Spangles?" Tony said, walking into the kitchen.
"Y/N and Steve are fucking terrified of spiders." Nat said with a smirk.
"You are? Oh my god, that is-" Tony said cracking up.
"Shut it Stark." Y/N said with a glare.
"What's going on?" Scott said, walking into the kitchen with Peter in tow.
"Oh god." Steve mumbled.
"I only gonna say this once." Nat paused, but she didn't finish, since a blonde supersoldier and an avenger dragged her out of the kitchen. Then Scott, Tony and Peter heard unintelligible shrieking in the common room. They all bolted out of the kitchen into the common room.
"SPIDEYY! BUG BOYS! HELP!" Y/N yelled, standing on the couch with Steve. Nat was cracking up on the other side of the room.
"I have to film this." Tony said, as Peter and Scott walked over to the two on top of the couch.
"What is it?" Scott said.
"Peter or Scott, can you use your buggy powers and tell the spider to fuck off?" Y/N said. Scott snickered and looked over the arm of the couch to see the little fellow.
"Eek! It moved!" Steve said, shuffling father away from the spider. Peter bent over to the presence in question with a small smile.
"I got it." he said, holding the spider in his hands. Then he walked towards Steve and Y/N which induced more squealing.
"Peter! You're not my favorite anymore, uh, Scott is!" Y/N said, running out of the room. Peter looked slightly defeated as he let out the spider, but then he smirked at his own antics.
"Yes." Scott whispered to himself, fist pumping. Tony and Nat were cracking up in the corner, while Tony was still filming.
"This is gonna be perfect blackmail."

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