Need a Hand? (Pt. 2 of HaL) (aos/wilson/rogers x reader)

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Warnings: cap 3 (civil war) trailer spoilers, aos (agents of shield) spoilers (slight mentions of things in season 3, if any, mostly 1-8), mild language
Characters: shapeshifting!Reader, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson & Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie
Pairings: slight steve x reader
Prompt: requested part 2 of Here's a Lift; based on second end credits of Ant Man & the Captain America: Civil War clips.
A/N: part 2 of Here's a Lift (HaL) and you don't necessarily need to read part one to understand what's going on in this oneshot.
ALSO, I have not watched civil war yet, so no cacw spoilers here.

"This would've been a lot easier a week ago." Sam said, facing the Winter Soldier.
"If we call Tony.." Steve said, facing Sam. Sam sighed.
"He won't believe us."
"Even if he did.." Steve continued.
"Who knows if the accords will let him help?" Steve nodded his head in agreement.
"We're on our own."
"Maybe not. I know a guy." Sam said, remembering the incident a few weeks ago.
"I know a gal." Steve added. Sam nodded his head in acknowledgment.
"Yeah Mack, I get it. You win this round, but Daisy and I are gonna get you back." Y/N said, sitting up in her chair.
"Um, no we're not. You're on your own, Y/N." Daisy said, standing up.
"C'mon man! You gotta help me here! Gifteds should stand together!" Daisy chuckled, walking away.
"Looks like you're on your own. I'm beat." Mack said, as he was putting the stack of cards back into their box.
"Okay, got it. I'll go." Y/N said good naturedly. She stood up and started walking to her quarters.
After Ultron and the Inhuman War, Y/N has been transferred from Seoul to the main SHIELD base and has been working more closely with Coulson's team. After the main kerfuffle with the government and powered people (which still seems to continue on and off), things have been slowing down for Y/N.
Y/N's phone buzzed. She furrowed her eyebrows. No one knew her phone number except for Coulson's team. And Nat. And Steve. Oh, and Clint too. But last time she heard, Clint went radio silent and went to his personal safe house and Coulson's team was, literally within walking distance from her. So it must be from either Nat or Steve. And the last time she saw Nat was months before the D.C. incident. So maybe Steve? Or just answer your damn phone, Y/N. Right. The phone.
Cap :D: are you busy?
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. Why the sudden interest in her life? After past encounters with Steve, and slightly awkward conversations, they haven't talked much.
Y/N: No, y?
She involuntarily shrugged her shoulders, I mean what could go wrong?
Cap :D: I need your help
Cap :D: can't really say, but I'll send you info
Y/N's eyes widened a little at Steve's request. What's so urgent?
Y/N: sure. I'll just need to get permission to leave
Cap :D: wait!
Y/N: yeah?
Cap :D: don't tell anyone unless they're completely trustworthy.
Now Y/N got really worried. It sounded like a similar situation to the D.C. incident. AKA, the fall of SHIELD.
Y/N: okay. Be careful.
Cap :D: always am.
Y/N snickered at the text. He's still the snarky guy that she's always known. Well, time to go ask Coulson.
"When is your guy, or rather gal, comin'?" Sam asked Steve, as they both watched a sleeping Winter Soldier, or rather a Bucky.
"She needs to get permission to come." Steve replied, fatigue hitting him more. These past few days have been tough on everyone, especially him. The Accords and teammates that he thought they had similar views. Especially trusting the government after what happened in D.C.
"Like a kid?" Sam said, snickering. Steve gave him a glare.
"She works with SHIELD."
"Gotcha. My guy needs time to get here. He's all the way in the west coast." Steve nodded. Sam turned to look at Steve. "You know what man? Take a rest. I'll take watch, and also, you look like you need it." Steve smiled gratefully at Sam before settling into a more comfortable position.
"But wake me up when they come, or she contacts me. Or any other unmentioned reasons."
"Got it Cap."
"Hey Director." Y/N said, walking into Coulson's office. Phil looked up from his work, giving the lady a comforting smile.
"Hello Agent." he replied with the same tone. She rolled her eyes.
"Fine, Coulson. I need 'permission' to take a leave of absence." He looked at her confused.
"Something wrong? I thought you liked it here." She laughed a little at his misunderstanding.
"No, I do. I just have a favor to do and from the looks of it, it seems to be one where it's not a simple touch and go." He sighed.
"Oh good, thank god." He reached over to grab a file on the corner of his desk. "And I'm assuming it's one of them?" He said, pointing to a photo in the file. It was the Avengers, like former Ultron, Avengers. She nodded her head slowly, grimacing.
"Yeah. It's been awhile." He handed her the file, and spun around facing the window behind his desk.
"I'm assuming it's related to The Accords?" Y/N scrunched her eyebrows, having a silent conversation with herself. What accords? Coulson said it like capital T, capital A, The Accords.
"What are The Accords?" she finally said. He spun back around to face her.
"You might want to sit down, Y/N." She obeyed, still confused, and nervous. What was she getting into?
"In recent events, the government hasn't been very, well, comfortable with our presence. Especially after New York, D.C., and Sokovia." Y/N nodded, and swallowed deeply. New York and D.C. were huge events in her life, events that kept constant nightmares and haunting images still imprinted in her mind. "They have a special category for gifted and enhanced individuals. People like Wanda Maximoff. People like Daisy and Lincoln." She shifted in her seat.
"And I'm guessing people like the Avengers?" He nodded.
"Especially them. The government feels as if they are 'operating with no supervision,' so they developed The Accords, to be more specific, The Sokovia Accords." he paused, as if he's recollecting his thoughts.
"And what do these accords inhibit, or rather, prohibit?" Y/N urged.
"They would have a panel of supervisors, giving orders on which issues are important enough to carry out into missions." he finally said.
"So like the ATCU?" she asked.
"Similar. But they are more using their powers for their own benefit compared to the ATCU." he replied. "The current Avengers and any other 'superheroes' including vigilantes, have to sign these Accords. Preventing to do so, they are deemed to be fugitives and need to be locked up." Y/N's heart started beating quickly. Fugitives? Locked up? Excuse me, but where were you Mr. Supervisor during New York? D.C.? Without the Avengers, Loki would be ruling a desolate earth, like a dictator, and SHIELD would emerge as a Nazi-based organization. And said leaders of Nazi-SHIELD, also work in your government. Like the Counsel. Like at least two of your members.
"So say if I help those aforementioned fugitives," she said.
"You would also be considered a fugitive." Coulson stated with a grim face, like he knew what was about to come.
"Yikes." Y/N mumbled.
"Apparently," he said, struggling to figure out his words, "Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Vision, and James Rhodes have signed The Accords."
"And Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Clint have not." She finished. Coulson nodded his head in confirmation. Oh deary me.. "And I'm guessing you know what I'm about to ask you?"
"I have an idea. And I give you permission, but Y/N," he said, taking her hand into his, "be careful. I already have my hands tied up." Y/N smiled faintly, reminiscent of the past few days. It's been rough for the team.
"I understand, sir. I'll be careful where I step." she said. He smiled in return, handing her a set of once hidden keys.
"Make the right calls, Agent." Y/N stood up, took the outstretched key, and headed out of Coulson's office.
"Will do, Phil. And I'll be sure to come back in one piece."
*Buzz buzz*
Sam looked over Steve, seeing Steve's phone light up from a notification. He glanced at Steve then Bucky, to see if either of them were awake, then he reached over and grabbed Steve's phone.
Y/N: got permission, where... unlock phone to see the full message
Dammit. What was Steve's password?
"Wait, you're leaving?" Daisy said as Y/N started packing a small backpack. She held herself from laughing, and tried to piece the words to explain what was going on.
"Ah, um, not really. Don't worry Daisy, I'm not gonna ever, truly leave." she said, standing up to face the woman. Daisy sighed in relief.
"Kay, just making sure. Or else I'll probably pummel you to a pulp." Daisy said, relieved. Y/N chuckled, pulling her partner into a tight hug.
"I'm gonna miss you." she mumbled. Daisy tilted her head in question with raising eyebrows.
"I thought you weren't leaving?" Y/N smiled, putting on a strap of her bag.
"You know what I mean, Daisy."
"Ha, right. But seriously, don't die out there." she said, grabbing her arm. She replied with a side smirk.
"Will do Buddy." She said, exhaling deeply and pulled away from Daisy's grasp. As she walked towards the underground airfield, she saw Mack and Phil in the corner of her eye. She turned around giving them a little salute, grinning. I'll be back.
"Steve." Sam muttered, nudging the blonde supersoldier.
"Mmm?" Steve said, drifting in and out of sleep.
"Steve, man, what's your password? He replied." Steve shot his eyes wide open, reaching for his phone. When he realized it wasn't there, he gave a sleepy glare to Sam. The guy held in his grin about to surface, (which he would receive a shove at least, in return) and handed Steve his phone.
"Eight minutes ago?!" he said in a raspy voice. "Sam, what the hell? I thought I told you to wake me up when she texted me!" Sam's face changed from nervousness to shocked to excited.
"Woah man, you're clearly pissed."
"Yeah." Steve huffed.
"That means she means something to you."
"Yeah, in meaning that she is essential in our plan of ours." he said, jerking his head towards the sleeping Bucky. "Now, I'm gonna go head out and pick her up."
"Hello? Steve?" Y/N said, picking up the phone call.
"Hey Y/N, I'm here." Steve replied.
"Okay, that doesn't really help. Where are you?" She said, subtlety checking behind her.
"About a block away." She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Wait, how can you tell?" She was clad in her usual spandex/kevlar-suit, but had a  heather gray hoodie and navy sweatpants over it. Plus, she shifted her face and hair, into a 20-something woman with dip-dyed purple and brunette hair.
"Just a guess. You always seemed to like the color purple." She snickered.
"Oh gee, thanks Steve."
"No problem. Listen, I would escort you there, but I'm already drawing suspicion. Where Sam is three blocks east, two blocks south, half block west, four south, a quarter turn onto a side street, go past the building about four stories tall, and it should be a purple cottage house." I'm just diverting you to discreetly follow me. Ignore whatever I'm saying and where we're staying at is totally at the purple cottage house. And purple, I actually mean the medium-sized building that is made of cinder. It was pretty common for Y/N and Steve to communicate in misleading phrases and goofy landmarks. It was even to a point where Natasha couldn't follow with what they were saying. It was their own language.
"Thanks Steve. See ya soon." Y/N said, grinning. She shut her phone off, placing it in a precarious place, tucked inside her suit. "Now, that purple cottage.."
Steve walked back, zig zagging between the main streets and the alleyways, not looking behind him. I mean, his super-hearing helped for any traces of any followers. When he reached his desired location, he slipped in between a gap.
"Hey Sam." he said. Sam spun around, sighing in relief. Then he looked around him in confusion.
"What the hell man? I thought you were gonna pick her up?"
"Actually-" Steve started.
"-I followed him like a stray cat." Y/N finished, causing Sam to jump slightly. She saw the motion and bit her lip, trying not to laugh.
"Damn, you scared me like the other time that other fella.." he paused, realizing what he was saying, with slight dread. "Um, yeah."
"Where's everyone else?" Y/N said, moving the conversation along.
"The Maximoff is coming along with Barton and our other recruit." Steve said, shedding his leather jacket, shades, and navy baseball cap. Y/N brightened at the mention of the female Maximoff. Though they had a limited interaction during Ultron, they enjoyed each other's 'presence' whenever they would communicate. "And Bucky is right there." She looked over to where Steve was indicating, and there he was, leaning against an old blue car. It's probably from the 60's. Y/N mused.
"Speaking of Clint," Sam said, leaning his head to the incoming white van, "here he is."
The van pulled up, nearby the four of them. Clint and Wanda came out of the front of van, and they both grinned when they saw Y/N.
"Y/N! It's nice to see you again." Wanda said, as they both hugged,
"You too girl, and I'm sorry for what happened." Y/N said, rubbing her shoulder. The Maximoff nodded her head solemnly, breathing deeply.
"It has been difficult at times." Y/N gave her a small smile, before walking over to Clint.
"Hey man." She said.
"It's been awhile." Clint said hugging her briefly.
"How about our other recruit?" Y/N said.
"He's rarin' to go!" Clint said, walking over to the not-at-all conspicuous white van. "Gotta put a little coffee in him, but he should be good." He pulled the door open, jolting the vehicle slightly, enough for the inhabitant to awake. Steve glanced at Sam and Y/N, having a silent conversation of confusion and affirmation.
"What time zone is this?" Scott said, getting out of the van.
"Come on." Clint said, shutting the door and nudging him. "C'mon!" Scott's eyes widened when he saw everyone.
"Captain America!"
"Mr. Lang." Steve replied, holding out his hand, slightly amused at his enthusiasm.
"It's an honor!" Scott said, shaking Steve's hand. "I'm shaking your hand too long!" Scott continued, while Steve was physically shaking from their interaction. Y/N stifled a giggle, trying to be professional. "Wow, this is awesome! Captain America! I know you, too- you're great!" He said, spinning around facing Wanda for a brief moment then turning back to Steve. "I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me." Steve nodded his head. "Hey man!" Scott said, waving to Sam.
"What's up Tic-tac?" Sam said, nodding his head.
"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time-" Scott said, shifting his body.
"-was a great audition, but it'll-" Sam paused, huffed, "-it'll never happen again." he smiled, grinning.
"Did he tell you what we're up against?" Steve said, steering the conversation back to their current situation.
"Something about some psycho assassins?"
"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve said gravely.
"Yeah well, what else is new?" Scott shrugged.
"Thank god we have at least a couple of experienced fugitives." Y/N mused.
"Wait, I know all of you," Scott said, pointing to them, "except you." He looked at Y/N confused.
"Well that's a good sign, all my covers are actually secure." She replied, glancing at Steve. "I'm Y/N, by the way." she said, extending her hand.
"Scott. Scott Lang." he replied, shaking her hand, for a few seconds.
"Now that we all know each other," Steve interrupted, giving Y/N a pointed look, "let's get moving." Everyone nodded, moving closer towards Steve.
"So what's the plan?"

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