Seriously? (bucky barnes x reader x steve rogers)

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Warnings: slight polyamorous relationship
Characters: Reader, Steve Rogers, & Bucky Barnes
Pairings: bucky x reader x steve
Prompt: "What have I told you about the toilet seat?"
Y/N: your name; Y/L/N: your last name

"BARNES! ROGERS!" Y/N shouts from the bathroom. Bucky and Steve look at each other with outright fear.
"Yeah doll?" Bucky says, peering from the doorway.
""What have I told you about the toilet seat?!"
"Uh, not to leave it up?" Steve says, fear coursing through his mind. Yeah, he and Buck faced countless wars: World War II, New York, Ultron, Civil War, yet nothing could compare to the rage of their girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N.
"YES! And what do I see?" she huffs, motioning to the toilet. "It's up! Who was last using it?"
"Um, ah, well, you see-" Bucky stutters. Y/N looks with an upturned eyebrow.
"Well doll, we're not really sure." Steve confesses. "FRIDAY, do you know who was in our bathroom last?"
"Yes Captain Rogers, it was indeed Mr. Stark." Y/N's face turns into a weird mixture of shock and embarrassment, her cheeks turning crimson.
"Well," she says, scratching her neck, "sorry about that." Bucky grins, pulling both Steve and Y/N into a bear hug.
"S'okay doll, it was Stark's fault." Bucky says. She chuckles
"Thanks fellas."
"No problem." Steve says, pecking both of them on the lips in a slightly unusual position. Y/N smirks a bit, pulling them both out of their shared room.
"C'mon, we need to kill Stark."

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