Dathixlui:Beautiful Wish

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It was a rain day in Los santos and there was a two boys one that was a fictional character that came to life and the other is normal human being. The boy who was a fictional character was named dathi de nogla but really that was his name in the story world that he lived before he came to life. The other boy was named Lui. Lui was just a boy that loves stories about things that his mother I told about. When the rain started Lui ask his mother if he can play outside of the rain. "Hey mommy can go play outside in the rain?" Lui's mother smiled. "Yes you can but come back before the thunder starts alright" "ok mommy!"

As he was playing in the rain he found a book on the doorway on top of the basket. Lui was curious what it was or the book he saw. When he went inside he called for his mother. His mother saw that Lui had a basket with a book on top of it. "Lui where did you find that?" "On the doorway" Lui gave the basket to his mother and his mother smiled. "Oh Lui this is a gift from your brother Jonathan(delirious)." Lui was excited because he never got to see his brother in a while well actually he left for a trip to visit his aunt. "Is it from big brother delirious!?" Lui's mother giggle. "Yes it is Lui it is from Jonathan."

As soon the rainy night fell it was time for Lui to go to bed. "Mommy." "Yes Lui?" "Can you read me the book that big brother delirious gave please." His mother nodded and read the story. "There once was a little boy who love to see new things around and he loved adventuring around the world. One day the boy look for his best friend but he couldn't find one and he was left all alone but his mother supports him but each time he makes a fri-" Lui cut off his mother. "Why was the boy all alone?" Lui had many questions. "The boy was alone because those meanies were being mean to him that's all Lui." Lui huff and pouted which made his mother smiled. "If I was in the story with the boy I think I'll become his friend." Lui's mother smiled again and ask what can think of. "Lui what do you wish for?" "I wish to the boy's best friend I can be."

After the story was done they soon fell asleep. On nogla's side he felt everything around black out and when he woke up he felt the rain drops. He looked up it was dark and rainy so he walk around until he found a house. He knock on the door,there was no replied so he knock again and this time the door opened and it reveal the small boy and the mother. "Um h-hello I'm really lost and I d-don't know where I am." "Oh my come in quickly before the thunder starts." He walk in. "Hi I'm Lui! What's your name?" "O-oh my name is nogla." Nogla thought to himself 'actually I'm the character from a story to be honest'

A few years later...

Lui's brother came back and Nola was still there for Lui and both became high schoolers. "Hey Lui how are you little bro?" "I'm alright and you?" "Hehe I'm doing fine also look what I found." Lui gasp and it was his book when he was child at that time when he met nogla. He look at the time and rush out to met up with nogla. "Hey nogla!" "Hey Lui! How you doing today?" "I'm fine also my brother found my book he gave me when I was five." Nogla didn't want to hide the truth from Lui because he knew his wish was almost out of time.

Time skip(I'm sorry about the details)

Nogla felt a sting in his heart because he didn't want to leave Lui by himself and he'll be all alone again. By the time they made it to lui's house they were greeted by lui's brother delirious and Lui's mother. It was 11:50 almost 9 minutes until he was gone. He thought it was the right time to tell Lui about him. "Hey Lui I have something to tell you..." "What is it?" "You know the book you mentioned about the boy who was alone and something like that..." "Yeah... What about it?" "It's me..." Lui was shock,amazed,and sad. "What do you mean?" "The wish that you said when you were five..." "I do remember that..." Nogla's tears were trailing down his face. "W-well at m-midnight I'll be gone forever." Lui felt heart broken and he went to hug nogla. "No you can't be gone forever please me it isn't true is it?" Lui was on the edge of tears.


"I'm sorry Lui but at least I got to spend time with you."


"Please don't go I'll miss you!!!"


"Before I leave Lui" he kiss Lui and Lui kiss back


They wanted kiss to last but it didn't last long


"Lui I love you."


"I love you too!"


Nogla's time was almost up and gave the greatest farewell kiss


"Don't cry Lui I promise I'll come back and you know you make the beautiful wish ever.."


Lui was sobbing and crying but his love would never stop him from seeing nogla


"Farewell my beautiful wish"

And with that Nogla disappear forever and returned back to the story world but Lui would never forget his love also he didn't realize delirious was there. Delirious saw what happen and knew Nogla was a fictional character that came to life but he went to comfort Lui. "It's ok Lui don't cry bro you'll see one day and I know you love so much but it's time to move on but you can wish to see him some day and there might be hope for you to see him." "Y-yeah I'll see him some day but he was my wish and love I'd ever ask for."

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