H2ovanoss/h2ocat:vanoss the yandere

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(A/n:I'm so sorry for those who ships delirious and wildcat don't kill meh TT^TT)

Vanoss pov

I hate seeing them together I hate it... It should've been me and me only I hate it so much it makes me sick, but should I kill him? Or should I keep him ? I want him all to myself but no he had to take him away from me ... Why won't  you notice me? Will you ever see my feelings or are you blind? No matter what I'll still find a way to make you be with me forever and nothing would stop us for all eternity... You will be mine my sweet delirious...

Delirious pov

I felt pairs of eyes watching me but I never told Tyler but we're at home, our home in the living room. I never realize how much I'm trembling and shaking so much. "Del you ok?" Tyler look at me. "I-I'm fine don't worry." He gave me a worried look and sighed. "Jonathan you can tell me anything and I'll understand now what's been bothering you?" I sighed and since there's no point of hiding  my fear. "I feel that someone is watching us and I feel scared and I don't who is it." I look down but Tyler lift my chin up face me to him and he kiss my lips and pulled out to hug me as if I was safe. "Jonathan if you ever get scare I always be there for you and I'll never leave your side ever." I smiled and hug him. "Thank you Tyler..."

Seven hours later... (Cue the song)

Tyler and I went to go to bed but as soon we slept I woke and heard a glass break so I woke Tyler. "Tyler did you hear that?" "Yeah I heard it I'll go and see." Alright but be careful." Tyler went to investigate and I waited and waited till I heard him scream so I run out the room and what I saw was something I shouldn't  see and it was Evan... Our trustful friend now he killed Tyler... My love... "Hello my dear delirious.." I was scared afraid to move but Evan laugh like insane madman. "Let's play a game delirious! So let's began!" He had a knife that had Tyler's blood on so I ran and ran until I was hiding and the first place I was hiding was in Tyler and I bedroom in the closet hoping Evan wouldn't notice. "Come out come where ever you delly!" I hear him around the house so I stayed quit as possible. I heard the bedroom door opened and evan's footstep around and searching for me. I peak and he look underneath the bed but then look straight at the closet and my heart pounded. I hope that he isn't going to check the closet but it was to late. He found me and he giggled insanely and pulled me out and pinned me down on the ground and held the knife up in the air. "Looks like the games over and now you're it and there's no escape from me and I'll be with you forever and ever." My tears flowed down on my cheeks and I squirmed but he was stronger than me and this was it for me. He stab my leg, then my arm, and my right eye, next was my heart. He stab my heart and I screamed in pain. The last thing I felt was evan's no vanoss' lips and everything black out... You'll pay for the con-quinces...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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