If only dreams came true

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"Jade, I am completely and insanely in love with you too. You are my everything." Jade was trying really hard to hold back the tears. She had waited so long to hear those words. Tori was leaning in and Jade found herself automatically leaning in as well. This was going to their first kiss and Jade almost squealed from excitement but held her composure. They were inches apart when everything faded and all that could be heard was loud beeping.

Beep... beep...beep...beep. Jade slammed her hand on the alarm clock and shoved it to the floor. Jade was extremely frustrated and the first day of school hadn't even started yet. "That was the best dream I have had in a long time and you screwed it up. You wake me up right before we kiss every time!" Jade sighed and quit berating her alarm clock and went to get dressed.

Jade's thoughts soon drifted to Tori as they did most of the time. She was completely in love with Tori. When Tori helped Jade get back with Beck for the first time, something just sparked inside of Jade. She began to look at the brunette differently and her feelings for Beck soon dimmed and eventually faded completely. Jade broke up with Beck about six months ago and he said he wanted to remain friends and a week later he was with Cat. Jade felt like Beck had lost feeling in their relationship long before it was over as well.

For the past six months Jade has done everything in her power to hide her feelings for Tori, but it was getting more difficult to continue being mean and bitchy towards Tori because all Jade wanted was to wrap her arms around Tori and never let go. Jade had a plan though, she was going to slowly start being nicer to Tori to first become friends then hopefully something more. She was going to show Tori that Jade wasn't dead inside like everyone thought she was and she was going to show Tori that she loved her. She was going to make the first small change with her wardrobe.

It was no secret that Jade wore black everything but if you go to the back of her closet there are pinks, purples, and even yellow. She wore a lot of bright colors around the house. Jade didn't like wearing black all the time but her rep always made her put away the bright colors and pick up the black and greys but today it was time for a change. She was going to show Tori who the real Jade was. Jade did hide behind her hard exterior but she was a sweet person underneath it all and now she was going to show Tori. Tori deserved everything that Jade could give her and more but Jade was going to open up and give her everything to Tori. "Tori, get ready to see the real Jade."

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