My Jadey-Bear

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It was the Friday after Tori and Jade had come out so it had been a full week and still all everyone could do was just stare and whisper. Most kids at Hollywood Arts were open and loving so it didn't matter that it was two girls it was because of who the two girls were. The infamous Jade and Tori.

Everywhere Jade and Tori went they could hear the whispers and see the stares and Jade wanted to chase them down with her scissors but Tori would pout so Jade behaved to make Tori happy.

It was lunch and Tori, Jade, and Andre were already at the table eating. Tori was leaning against Jade and Jade had an actual content smile on her face, she couldn't be happier. Jade leaned down and kissed Tori on the forhead and whispered in her ear, "Tori, you make me happy. Like actually happy."
"You make me happy too." Tori whispered the next part extremely quite just for Jade, "My Jadey-bear."

Andre was scouting out before he grabbed the ketchup and Tori and Jade giggled at him while Andre tried to defend himself, "People say I use too much, I don't, I use just the right amount of ketchup."
Jade laughed, she had become quite close to Andre for all the help he gave herself and Tori. "Dude, it doesn't matter, use as much as you want."
Tori and Jade both knew he used opiates amounts of ketchup but they let the man do his own thing.

Rex, Robbie, Cat, and Beck finally made their way over to the table. Cat was her usual bubbly self, "Hi Jade, Hi Tori, Hi Andre!"
Jade gave a nod and Tori waved back at Cat, and Andre gave his signature, "Hey little red."
Robbie was busy trying to keep Rex quiet because Jade already warned him if Rex made any lesbian jokes or perverted comments she was coming after both of them with her sharpest scissors. Beck sat down and put his arm around Cat, "sup ladies, my ketchup man."
Andre just gave him the most friendliest of fingers and everyone laughed.

Beck asked out loud to anyone, "What's everyone up to tonight? Cat and I are heading to a movie."
Andre had a grin on his face, "I've got a date with a north-ridge girl. I'm taking her to Nozu then a movie so we might see you there Beck."
Rex piped in, "I've got a party tonight at North-ridge!"
Robbie looked upset, "How did you get invited, I didn't."
"It doesn't matter wazbag, you can be my plus one."
Robbie still looked a little upset but he decided to cut his losses and take what he can get.
Andre looked at Tori and Jade who's shoulder Tori was still laying on, "What about you two?"
Tori smiled brightly, "I'm making Jade and I dinner tonight. Trina and my parents are gone for tonight so I'm making us dinner and we're watching reruns of Faking It tonight."
Jade leaned down and kissed Tori in front of everyone and she couldn't care less. She was kissing her girlfriend and she loved every second of it.

It was later that night and Tori was making dinner for her lovely Jade. Cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, and salad. Tori was finishing up the burgers when she felt two arms snake around her waist and Jade placed her chin on Tori's shoulder while watching Tori cook.
Jade kissed Tori's cheek, "It all looks and smells good babe."
"Why thank you, could you set the table sweetheart?"
Jade had a great idea and she knew where the candles were, "Sure thing."

Jade cleared off the coffee table and quietly got the candles while Tori was focused on finishing up the food. She set up the plates and candles and now to just wait for Tori's call for dinner.
"Dinner's ready sweetheart!"
Just as Tori called out the lights went dim and she turned around to see Jade lightning candles on the coffee table and Faking It ready to play on the DVD player and there in the middle of the living room stood Jade with a shy smile on her face, "umm what do you think?"
Tori put the plates down and ran to Jade, "My Jadey-bear, it's just perfect!"
Jade enveloped Tori in a hug, "I'll always do whatever I can to make you happy."
"Just you being here, you being with me, makes me the happiest girl in the world."

A little after dinner Jade was laying on the couch with Tori laying on top of her with her head laying on Jade's chest. Jade was playing with Tori's hair when a particularly exciting scene came on when they were watching Faking It. Amy and Reagan were heavily making out and the heavy lust between Tori and Jade sparked so Tori slid a little further up Jade's chest so she was looking in her beautiful green eyes and Jade stared back at Tori, each girl waiting to see who would be the one to take control and surprising Jade, it was Tori.

Tori leaned down and captured Jade's lips with her own and at the same time pinned Jade to the couch. Tori was taking complete control, usually Jade was the dominant one but having Tori take control was something new and Jade loved it. Tori's tongue swiped against Jade's bottom lip begging for entrance which she gladly granted. The kisses were sloppy, eager, and passionate like this was the first and last time they would touch. Jade took both of her hands and grabbed Tori's ass through her jeans and Jade was rewarded with the sound of hearing Tori moan in pleasure and that only spurred them both on even further. Jade was not for sure how far things would go but if Tori was ready so was she but she never got the chance to ask because at that moment, the door opened and their stood Trina, and Tori's parents.

Trina stopped dead in her tracks in the door way while her parents walked on by like it was nothing. Tori buried her head into Jade's chest while Jade let out a giggle that she didn't even try to suppress.
Tori still had her face hidden but was talking, "I thought you all were going to be gone until tomorrow?"
Tori's mom laughed at her daughters antics, "We were but Trina went over board at her audition so they said there was no need for us to stay so here we are, and apparently we're interrupting something. Next time, try locking the door or better, maybe not the couch when you plan on making out with your girlfriend."
Tori turned a really bright shade of red and Jade gave a two finger salute.

Trina finally came out of her trance and she freaked out, "What the hell is going on? Jade and Tori? Mom, Dad, you act like it's no big deal. How long have you known? How can you be okay with this?"
To say everyone was shocked was an understatement, and Tori was the first to recover, "Trina why does it matter so much. You're not homophobic, are you?"
"No i'm not Tori but you and Jade being together is just wrong. She's been nothing but nasty and terrible to you and apparently you're stupid enough to fall for another one of her tricks. She's a bitch, Tori you should know that."
Their mother was astonished and upset at what Trina said, "Trina how dare you!"
Tori was up and in Trina's face before Jade could get a hold of Tori, "Trina, don't you ever and I mean ever call Jade a bitch again. Jade and I have a special relationship and we love each other. We may have had problems before but that was because of suppressed feelings and pain of watching someone you love and never knowing if they'll ever know how you feel. We found one another and I love her. If you continue to have a problem with us then you and I are no longer sisters as far as I'm concerned. Come on Jade, let's go to your house. Mom, i'm going to stay with Jade tonight."
"Okay hun," and Mrs. Vega came over and hugged Jade and apologized for what Trina said, "we're sorry that we came home earlier than expected and ruined your time and for what Trina said. We think you're wonderful Jade and Tori cares about you. You are always welcomed here. Now you and Tori go have a good weekend."

Jade and Tori arrived at Jade's house and went straight past everyone to Jade's room and Tori apologized for like the hundredth time, "Sweetheart I am so sorry, you are not a bitch. You are so caring and sweet. I love you so much."
Jade grabbed Tori and shut her up the only way she could, kissing. They kissed until they were both out of breath and Jade held Tori and spoke softly to her, "Tori it is okay, I couldn't care less about what Trina says. All that matters is what you think and if you love me than that is all that matters. In fact I want you to read something."
Jade walked over and pulled out a leather bound book from under her pillow, it had Jade's name etched on the front of it, and she handed it to Tori, "I want you to read the last entry."
Tori couldn't believe what she was holding. She was holding Jade's personal diary.

I'm sorry that I've been gone for a while. I've been having personal issues so I do apologize for my absence. Feedback is always good. Stay Magical.

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