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Jade started her new colorful adventure off simple with a pink jacket instead of her black one she usually wears. It was a small change but a total different Jade and Jade atually felt more relaxed and at ease.

Jade grabbed her pack, her phone, and her favorite pair of scissors and headed to the first day of her senior year. She waved bye to her dad and ignored her mother and sister and hopped in her car to drive to school. Jade and her dad had began to get along a lot better but she couldn't stand her mother and sister.

Jade arrived at school quicker than she thought she would and that's when the nerves set in. "Damnit, i'm Jade West, I don't get nervous! It's just a jacket, and people are going to stare but they always stare. The only person's attention that matters is Tori's. I can do this." With one last deep breath Jade left the car and the day began.

As she predicted, everyone seemed to immediately stare at her and her new choice in wardrobe. Jade walked through the halls like she still owned the place because well, she was still Jade West. "What are you starring at!?" With that one sentence everyone looked at anything and everything that wasn't Jade and she threw on her trademark smirk, until in walked the goddess that is Tori Vega and Jade went weak in the knees. "Oh the things I want to do to you Tori Vega", Jade thought tp herself.

Tori was walking with Andre and they were talking away and Tori had not noticed Jade yet but Andre kept glancing over at her. Jade must have been starring, " Oh chiz!, damnit Jade you have to be more careful." She pretended to be busy as she scolded herself to keep from starring again. She did hear the end of the conversation though. Tori was freaking out over Trina. "Sorry Andre, i'll have to catch up with you later. I have to remind Trina not to leave me behind after school." "It's not a problem chica, but shouldn't she have graduated last year?" Tori was already running away but called over her shoulder to Andre, "yeah but she failed most of her classes last year." Jade wasn't surprised at that at all. Tori was the one with Talent in the Vega household.

Jade glanced over at Andre but he was making his way over to her and she couldn't think of an excuse to run away so she would have to tackle his questions head on. Andre was still just as laid back as ever though. "Hey Jade, I haven't seen you all summer. I like the Jacket by the way. Trying to impress Tori?" Jade was thinking to herself before she responded. Wow, he didn't even ask about the jacket, he just went with it... did he just say I'm trying to impress Tori! Jade about wazzed herself. "What, why, why would I be trying to impress Vega. Andre did you fall on your head this summer?" Jade tried to sound pissed but was failing miserably. Andre was still just super chill, "Jade you've been eyeing Tori for months now. When I say eyeing, I mean watching her with love and passion. I can see it in your eyes. You love Tori and it hurts you to continue to be mean to her. Am I right or am I right?" Andre was exactly right and Jade knew she couldn't lie her way out of this one, Andre was too smart for that.

"Andre, I don't know how you know but your right, about everything. I'm completely in love with Tori and the jacket is just a small part of my plan to show Tori the real me and that i'm not completely dead inside, and maybe she'll love me back. I know i've done a lot of terrible things to her so I have a lot of work to do. I spent all summer alone trying to figure it all out. From the first time I saw Tori at the showcase I felt something. At first I thought it was jealously but I then became to realize it wasn't jealously but it was love. No one, not even Beck knows this, but I had a girlfriend before Beck and I started dating. Her name was Lilly, it wasn't anything serious but i've always been attracted to women as well as men, if not more attracted to than men. This feeling I have for Tori, I've never had this feeling for anyone else. I want her to know all of me. See my strengths but also my weaknesses. I want to show her I can love her."

Jade was waiting for a response and Andre had a sincere and non judgemental expression, "Jade, I know it is not easy for you to let people in but you know Tori is always trying to be your friend and trying to get behind your walls you put up. I have no doubt that Tori will jump at the opportunity to be your best friend and along the way, she may just fall for you as well. I can tell you're sincere about your feelings for her and I will help you any way I can, also, you don't even have to ask, i'm not going to tell a soul. This stays between us. If you're wondering why I care so much because Tori is my best friend and after what you said, I know you will do what it takes to make her happy. I'd do whatever it takes to make her happy. It'll take time, I understand and you probably won't be able to come right out and be all lovey dovey but at least I know the insults will be a show and I feel they've been a show for quite some time."

To say Jade was dumbfounded would be an understatement. She knew Andre was a good guy but this was on another level. Plus Andre knew exactly what she would of said and then some and he was very honest about all of it. "Thank you Andre. I mean that. I never knew you were such a great guy. How did you know all of that already? Are you psychic?" She asked that last question half jokingly. "No i'm not a psychic but I can read people and months ago I began to see you look at Tori like she was the only thing that matters and that was when I knew how you felt about her but I kept to myself. All that matters is that you both are happy." The bell rang for first period. "I'll see you later Jade. Just show Tori this part of you that you just showed me and everything will go just fine." With that Andre smiled and walked away. Jade felt reassured with Andre having her back and now Jade could barely contain her excitement for seeing her Tori, she meant Tori. Jade left her locker with a genuine smile on her face. Not a smirk but a content smile.

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