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It was Jade's birthday and Tori had a surprise waiting for her lovely girlfriend. Jade had been talking about getting a new tattoo but hadn't set a date yet so Tori booked the day of Jade's birthday and already paid for it, and also had another few surprises in store for her love. They had been together for about two months and tonight was the night that they were going to make love. They had been waiting patiently for each other and tonight was the special time they were both ready.

Jade had told Tori that the next tattoo that she was getting was the words Make It Shine down her right forearm. Jade said that every time she would look at it she would see Tori and that Tori was what made her own life shine. Tori then to proceeded to attack Jade with lots of "I love you's" and kisses. Jade was going to proudly and permanently show off her love for Tori and Tori was going to do the same for her Jade. Tori was planning on getting a tattoo the same time Jade was getting hers. Tori was getting a elegant pair of silver scissors with a greenish-blue ribbon wrapping around them for the color of Jade's beautiful eyes. She was placing it in the same place Jade was so there love would be proudly displayed.

"Tori, where are we going?" Jade had been asking Tori for the past twenty minutes and Tori wasn't going to ruin the surprise now.
"I told you it's a surprise for your birthday. We're almost there." Tori grabbed Jade's hand and rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb.
A few minutes later the two ladies pulled up to a little tattoo shop called Underground. It looked a little shabby from the outside but from when Tori went in to pay for the tattoos, she knew the place was extremely clean and the people were wonderful and nice, plus it was Jade's favorite tattoo and piercing shop.

They pulled up and Tori unbuckled her seat belt and wrapped Jade in a hug, "Happy birthday my Jadey-bear! I know you've been wanting your knew tattoo so I set the appointment and it's all paid for. Your appointment is in about 10 minutes. I love you baby."
Jade was surprised, and it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her, "Thank you so much Tori. This is so sweet of you. I love you too! So much!"

Tori and Jade walked into Underground and was greeted by the receptionist Nikki, "Hello, Tori, and Jade your appointments are almost ready. Jade, you are with your regular artist Missy and Tori you booked with my sister Anna."
Tori smiled, "Thank you Nikki."
Jade was confused, "Did she say appointments as in two? Tori what is she talking about?"
Tori was smiling cheekily, "Surprise again! I booked an appointment for me to, i'm getting a tattoo today. Your getting a tattoo to proudly show your love for me and I'm doing the same for you. I'm not going to tell you what it is though so don't ask." Tori gave a still shocked Jade on the lips and before Jade could respond, Missy and Anna called them both to get ready.

Jade was half way done with her tattoo but all she could focus on was Tori. Jade wanted to be over there with her Tori and hold her hand while she was getting her first tattoo. Jade was worried about Tori but she couldn't move because Missy was still tattooing her arm. Missy could see that Jade was worried, "Jade don't worry. She's doing just fine. I put her with Anna because Anna is the most experienced, patient, and sweetest artist we have here. You know that. You're girlfriend is very sweet. I was the one who helped her set up this little scheme. She was so excited and the whole time she talked about you, I could just see this sparkle in her eyes. She loves you Jade and I can see you love her. Don't ever let her go Jade, she's a keeper."
Jade smiled, "I know, and I never plan on letting her go."

Jade was done first and had been excitedly waiting for Tori to finish. Jade tried to go sit by Tori but Tori wouldn't let her because she said it would ruin the surprise. Jade heard Anna announce that Tori was all done, then she cleaned it and told Tori how to take care of the tattoo so it stays clean and to keep the bandage on for the next few hours.
Jade held Tori's hand as they began to walk out the door but Jade thanked Missy again, "Thank you Missy for everything. Great work as usual."
Tori thanked them as well, "Thank you Anna and you too Missy. The piece looks incredible. I'll definitely be back again."
Jade giggled, Tori was just like her when she got her first tattoo.

It had been a few hours and Jade and Tori were dying to see each other's tattoos. Several flips of a coin later, Tori got Jade to show hers first. Jade pulled the bandage off and showed Tori the elegant cursive writing of Make It Shine that went up her arm. It had a purple tint to the writing, Tori's favorite color, "Jade it is absolutely beautiful, thank you so very much. I love it, I really do."
Tori grabbed Jade and began to kiss her but before it could go too far Jade stopped them, "As much as I want this to continue, It can wait until I see yours."
Tori giggled and pulled off the bandage revealing the beautiful pair of silver scissors with the ribbon surrounding them. Jade was absolutely in awe, "Oh my, Tori it is, it's completely incredible! These are now and forever will be my favorite pair of scissors. What is the ribbon for?"
"It's the color of your gorgeous eyes. One of the many things I love about you. Your eyes have always been one of my favorite things about you. I can see your raw emotions that you carry. I find them irresistible." Tori looked shyly at Jade, "I also forgot to mention that I have another surprise for you."
Tori grabbed Jade's hand and led Jade up to her room and made sure to lock the door.

As soon as the door was shut and locked, Tori was kissing Jade, and Jade picked up Tori and carried her to the bed. Shirts started to come off and soon both pairs of their jeans littered the floor. Jade rolled on top of Tori and just looked into her chocolate colored eyes, "Are you sure you're ready Tori?"
"I'm ready if you are hun." Then to really confirm her answer, Tori grabbed and squeezed Jade's beautiful and pale underwear covered ass.
Jade unhooked her as she straddled Tori and Tori then witnessed the most beautiful pair of breast she had ever seen. Tori then helped Jade out of her underwear and began to shimmy out of her own bra and underwear. Both girls just looked at one another, taking in the picture and essence of one another's bodies. This was there first time together, both of their first times period. They just wanted to admire the bodies of the one they each had desired for so long.

Jade looked at Tori's fit and tan body while Tori looked at Jade's curvy and pale body. At the same time both Jade and Tori murmured, "You're completely beautiful."
Then Jade attacked Tori with a flurry of kisses. It was sloppy and passionate and eager like both girls couldn't get enough, because they couldn't. Tori then flipped them over so she was on top and straddling Jade's lap. Tori then slid between Jade's legs and began to grind her hips and Jade began to do the same. There heated and wet cores grinding together, there was nothing like it.

Both girls were extremely turned on as Jade slid her face up to Tori's core and tried to recall the moves she had done in her fantasy and inserted her tongue and began to lightly suck on her clit as she inserted two fingers into her girlfriends tightening core. Tori's walls were already starting to tighten around Jade's fingers and the moans coming from Tori is what spurred Jade on, "Jade, I, I think I'm really close, I think... Mmmm Mmmm... ahhhh!"
With a final pump of her fingers, Tori finally climaxed.
"Oh. My. God. Jade that was incredible. I have never felt like that in my life."
Jade was just happy she could make her girlfriend feel this way. To see the relaxed smile on her face. After a few seconds, Tori slid down to Jade's already soaked core and throbbing clit. Jade was already really close from watching Tori cum. Tori began to lick Jade's wet core and soon began to pump her tongue in and out and it wasn't very long until Jade was already cumming, "Tori, Tori, i'm going to, i'm, Tori!!"

Tori crawled up and layed next to her beautiful Jade, "Tori, I am so happy that you were my first. I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Me too Jade, I wouldn't want anyone else to be my first either."
Both girls were sweaty, naked, and exausted.

Both girls tried to stifle a yawn but to no avail, "I love you Tori. Thank you for everything today. I'm so lucky to have you."
"I love you too Jade. I really do. I'm the lucky one, to be able to call you my girlfriend. Happy birthday my love."
Both girls soon fell asleep as Jade held Tori in her arms, pulling her close to her chest.

Here is the next chapter. Who ever is still reading, thank you all. Feed back is always appreciated. I know that I don't have a whole lot of angst in the story and it's a lot of fluff, it's because I don't have a whole lot of, well not really any to be exact, happiness in my life. I get to escape through writing. Stay Magical.

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